Absolute nightmare of an experience at Brussels airport passport control. Likely getting profiled because the birthplace on my French passport says Turkey and the chip isn’t working (which is why I was in the manual control lane to begin with).
The joys of being white passing in racist countries. You’re fine until they see you might be a bit too Brown inside.
Now sitting in a room with other Brown and Black folks, waiting (and they have my passport).
@aral If it's all Turkish people, couldn't it be political rather than racial?
@MisterWanko I’m a French citizen. The two you women at Belgian citizens. Unless Belgium has a political problem with Belgium and France, it’s racial.
I didn’t think this would require clarification.
@aral @MisterWanko I can imagine how awful this must feel, but in your case probably not your birthplace was the trigger but your chip not working. The chips are an central element in passport security and normally they shouldn't make problems.
@escamoteur @MisterWanko Yeah, the two Belgian women with Turkish ethnicity had working RFID chips in their passports.
@aral @MisterWanko probably they got racial profiled. Just made the point, that in your case it hasn't to be the same situation
@escamoteur @MisterWanko I think they use anything as an excuse. Try being male with long hair... You must be a hippie with drugs...