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More examples of how #DonTheCon couldn't be more different from the other presidents on #MountRushmore:

Teddy Roosevelt served in the military as a Colonel in the NY NatGuard and famously led his troops up San Juan Hill (vs #CaptBoneSpurs & his 5 deferments.)

Teddy was a virulent #Environmentalist who protected #YellowStone & The #GrandCanyon (T**** reopened the Arctic Wildlife Refuge to drilling.)

Resumed France's construction of the #PanamaCanal and agreed to SHARE it.

"Futoshi Tachino Shares How to Rediscover the Beauty of the Natural World

The modern world, bustling with technology and rapid urbanization, has made it increasingly easy to lose touch with the natural environment. Yet, reconnecting with nature is more crucial than ever—not just for our personal well-being but also for the planet’s health.

Read more at:

GAMESBAD · Futoshi Tachino Shares How to Rediscover the Beauty of the Natural World - GAMESBAD BLOGFutoshi Tachino, a dedicated environmental advocate and nature enthusiast, inspires people to rediscover the wonders of the natural world.

GetUp!’s attacks on @WePlanetAus highlight the desperation of legacy anti-nuclear groups clinging to outdated dogma. For years, they’ve positioned themselves as gatekeepers of the environmental movement, but the world is moving on. Nuclear energy is now a central part of serious discussions about Australia’s clean energy future.

Let’s be clear: WePlanet Australia is a grassroots movement of scientists, environmentalists, and everyday citizens. They aren’t tied to any industry or government groups, and they don’t take corporate donations. Everything they do is powered by people who believe in fact-based solutions to the climate crisis.

GetUp pioneered innovative grassroots activism, and for that, they deserve credit. But their views on nuclear energy—and their attacks on those who challenge them—are wrong. While they cling to fear and outdated stereotypes, we’re championing modern nuclear energy as a zero-carbon complement to renewables like wind and solar.

They’ve run successful campaigns on nuclear energy, modern plant breeding, golden rice, and alternative proteins—because the future is built on hope, optimism, and science-backed solutions. The public supports our work because they see the need for evidence-based approaches to solving the climate crisis.

It’s disappointing to see GetUp distort facts and attack fellow environmentalists, but it won’t stop us. Australia is closer than ever to overturning its decades-old nuclear ban, and we’re on the verge of winning. Together, we can build a clean, sustainable future powered by truth, not fear.

这篇文章由《卫报》专栏作家乔治·蒙比奥特 ( 撰写, 收录在他关于环境问题的文集《This Can’t Be Happening》中 。 本文最初于2017年12月20日发表在《卫报》。 随后在作者的网站上发表。 我们特别感谢蒙比奥特先生授权我们翻译并重新发布这篇文章。 #environment #environmentalist #nature #conservation

昆杜植物未来社 · 📚 书摘 --- 乔治·蒙比奥特:不为人知的世界🙏 致谢 这篇文章由《卫报》专栏作家乔治·蒙比奥特撰写, 收录在他关于环境问题的文集《This Can’t Be Happening》中 。 本文最初于2017年12月20日发表在《卫报》。 随后在作者的网站上发表。 我们特别感谢蒙比奥特先生授权我们翻译并重新发布这篇文章。 不为人知的世界 乔治·蒙比奥(George Monbiot) 2017年12月 每个人看到的世界都不一样。我们生活在各自的感知世界里,这些世界是由我们的兴趣和经历塑造的。有人觉得理所当然的事物,在别人眼里可能完全看不见。比如我可能会站在路边,看得入神:一只雀鹰正在灌木丛中寻找猎物,而我会惊讶于为什么别人会对这么精彩的场景视而不见。但他们可能也在纳闷,我怎么会没注意到刚刚开过的新款吉普车 V6 Pentastar Sahara。 心理学家理查德·怀斯曼解释说:“在任何时刻,我们的眼睛和大脑能够处理的周围环境信息都很有限……大脑会快速找出它认为最重要的信息,把几乎所有注意力都放在这些东西上。”其他的一切就这样被我们忽略了。 这种选择性的视而不见对自然界来说是致命的。歌手乔尼·米切尔唱道“失去后才懂得珍惜”,但现实却并非如此:随着生态环境的破坏,我们慢慢忘记了曾经拥有的自然之美。渔业生物学家丹尼尔·波利提出了一个重要概念叫“基准转移现象”。每一代人都觉得自己小时候看到的生态环境是正常的、自然的。当野生动物数量减少时,我们可能会注意到这种减少,但却没有意识到,我们用来对比的“正常状态”其实已经是严重受损的状态了。 因此,我们忘记了一个事实:在原本的生态系统中,无论是陆地还是海洋,都应该有大型动物占主导地位。我们没有意识到英国的海域现在是多么不正常:几百年前,这里本应该有成群的大鲸、大群的蓝鳍金枪鱼、两米长的鳕鱼,和像门板那么大的比目鱼。我们也不知道,在上一个间冰期(那时的气候和现在差不多),这片土地上本来有大象、犀牛、狮子、剑齿虎、鬣狗和河马,它们的消失都是人类活动造成的。 这种流失还在继续。年轻一代可能不知道,从前的秋天,田野里会开满白色的蘑菇,河里会挤满回游的鳗鱼,荨麻丛中到处都是毛毛虫。我甚至可以想象,有一天鸟儿不再歌唱,人们起床、吃早餐、去上班,却浑然不觉世界已经发生了改变。 我们生活在一种“看不见”的状态中,即使面对眼前的东西也往往意识不到它的存在。纪录片《蓝色星球 II》展示了那些我们只当作海鲜的生物其实有着复杂的社交生活和惊人的智慧(可惜在最后一集中没有着重强调这一点)。如果我们真正明白日常买鱼吃鱼会造成什么样的破坏,难道不会改变我们的消费习惯吗?但是,商业营销和媒体报道让我们习惯了不去看、不去想,也不去把这些零散的认知串联起来,形成一个能指导行动的道德观。 大多数人下意识地选择逃避。这样可以避免感到痛苦,或者避免内心的矛盾。如果你既能感受到大自然的神奇与魅力,欣赏那些令人惊叹的生物和它们之间复杂的关系,又同时意识到这些生态系统正在快速消失,这种悲伤几乎让人无法承受。正如伟大的环保主义者阿尔多·利奥波德所说:“学习生态学带来的代价之一,就是让人不得不独自面对这个满目疮痍的世界。” 今年六月,一道亮光——准确地说是125瓦的强光——照亮了我内心的一角黑暗。来自比利时法兰德斯地区的两位自然观察家,巴特·范·坎普和罗林·费林德,问我能否在我家的小花园里安装一个诱蛾灯。结果让我大开眼界。 虽然我们一直在精心照料这个花园,但我还是觉得它几乎已经没有生机了:很少能看到蝴蝶和甲虫。但当巴特和罗林给我看他们捕获的飞蛾时,我才明白:我们看到的并不是全部。英国有大约59种蝴蝶,但有多达2500种飞蛾。正是因为我们不了解夜间的生态世界,才限制了我们对整个自然界的认识。 当他们打开诱蛾灯时,那些飞蛾的种类之多、外形之美让我惊叹不已。有粉红和橄榄色的象蛾;有羽毛般的灰色松象蛾;有背部像谷仓猫头鹰一样闪着金光的黄褐色拱形蛾;有像擦亮的黄铜一样的火焰蛾;有像黄色风筝的燕尾蛾;有像北海一样碧绿还带着白色条纹的普通翠绿蛾;还有灰色匕首蛾、卵石显著蛾、心形和镖形蛾、冠饰蛾、带状波蛾、柳树美人蛾、接骨木珍珠蛾、小喜鹊蛾、双条小蛾、玫瑰色小猫蛾——这些美丽的名字体现了研究者对这些生物的热爱。 那一晚总共捉到了50种飞蛾,共217只。他们说这个数量在预料之中,但二十五年前,这个数字会更大。生物之间复杂的依存关系网[也就是食物网,描述生物之间的捕食与被捕食关系]正在瓦解,这可能是由于杀虫剂的使用、栖息地的破坏和过度的人工照明[即光污染,会扰乱夜间生物的正常生活]共同造成的,而我们对此却知之甚少。 飞蛾的历史可以追溯到1.9亿年前。相比之下,蝴蝶是较晚出现的,比飞蛾晚了1.4亿年才进化出来。很多人认为这与开花植物的出现有关,但我在想:会不会是因为那时候蝙蝠进化出了回声探测能力[用超声波探测周围环境的能力]?也许,蝴蝶选择在白天活动,正是为了避开这些用声波捕猎的夜间捕食者? 每个夏夜,在我们的花园上空都在上演着一场我们看不见的生存竞争:飞蛾能听到蝙蝠发出的超声波,为了躲避捕食者,它们会像石头一样迅速从空中掉落。一些虎蛾甚至进化出了特殊能力,能发出干扰蝙蝠声纳系统的超声波。可惜的是,我们还没来得及欣赏这个神奇的夜间世界,就在不知不觉中破坏了它。 那个早晨之后,我觉得自己成为了一个更好的自然观察者,也成为了一个更好的环保工作者。我开始更细心地观察周围的世界,寻找那些容易被忽视的生命,思考表象之下的奥秘,也更清楚地意识到:我们有太多珍贵的东西可能会永远失去。

Gratitude to musicians who created music inspired by our past blockade for old growth 🎶🌲🙏

Provided to YouTube by DistroKid.

#FairyCreekBlockade · Erika Lundahl

From her recent Messy Blessed Infinity album from Rolling Crone Records. Released on: 2024-07-11

Up there in Fairy Creek they are fighting for the ancient forest from high in the trees on platforms rigged of rope and wood the chainsaws from Mulo just could send them falling
Brave protectors of the Fairy Creek blockade, this song's for you.

I believe in the good things coming
I believe in the love that lives on this earth Of Brazilian bodies
I am here to receive, I am here to give
Stay brave, protectors of the Fairy Creek blockade
A hundred elders marched the dawn up a hill to stand upon a holy grove of trees
Older than the Notre Dame
Past picket lines and ATVs they sang for the land they wished to leave home for their children's children
Singing I believe in the good things coming
I believe in the love that lives on this earth the Brazilian bodies
I am here to receive I am here to hear
Stay brave, protectors of Fairy Creek
There's a war been going on through the soul of the world since the break of dawn, how do we share this land we stand upon?

I am a newborn to this place
Though I've lived here all my life
My ancestors came across the sea to stand for what they thought was right they broke trust treaties too can't unright the past is true
But I'm here to understand and stand with you Singing I believe in the good things
I believe in the love that lives on this earth of resilient bodies
I am here to receive, I am here to give
Stay brave, protectors of the Fairy Creek blockade
My whole story is in my heart
Gentle as they fall apart the land remembers more than I ever will
Still I'm here to witness this
Brave ones high up in the trees the sweetness of your farewell kiss the gentle of the morning breeze what stories will they tell of me
One day soon that's all will be
Amid a distant memory what stories will they tell?

And today we sing
I believe in the good things
I believe in the love that lives on this earth of Brazil. YouTubeEnjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

I'm having issues trying to upload a 12 minutes interview vid of me talking at Fairy Creek Blockade - to my YouTube account. It is about why I went to the blockade & why I've spent over 3 decades of my life on Vancouver Island trying to get old growth protected as part of the longterm battle for overdue & necessary #BCForestryReform. Part of it is due to seeing what ecocide did to our matriarch family's village & lands/waters overseas in South Vietnam.
I'll try to upload the file again in a bit.


I was invited to go on a #flotilla #protest led by #IndigenousChiefs & leaders from the North Island in late 2019 - we went in March of 2020. To stop 2 open net fish farms, in the #DiscoveryIslands archipelago, from restocking their pens. These fish farms are remote & they don't want public to access them. No restocking was able to happen on day we went on flotilla protest & patrol.

I've been a part of the battle here to get #FishFarmsOut for over a decade. There's finally some progress but we need to still keep up the pressure on federal & provincial governments.
#SaveWildSalmon because they're a #KeystoneSpecies & if we lose them, it sets off chain reactions in both #ocean & #OldGrowthForest #ecosystems. Wild salmon are extremely important to the Indigenous peoples of BC & the fight to protect them goes back decades.

Always put #WildFirst ✊

The chatbots are not your friends:

April 2023, video: “The Rise and Fall of Replika: A cautionary tale about love, heartbreak, and our AI overlords.” I first heard about this through the framing of “making fun of incels for being mad that their bot waifus broke up with them,” but this video digs through how predatory and exploitative the company was, and how badly its customers (even if some of them were creepy) got shafted.

You may also remember Replika from the October 2023 story about the man who tried to assassinate the Queen of England, and had extensive chat logs with a Replika bot expressing “her” encouragement and support.

A different service, Character.AI, faces a just-filed lawsuit over the suicide of a 14-year-old boy: “In previous conversations, the chatbot asked Setzer whether he had “been actually considering suicide” and whether he “had a plan” for it, according to the lawsuit. When the boy responded that he did not know whether it would work, the chatbot wrote, “Don’t talk that way. That’s not a good reason not to go through with it,” the lawsuit claims.”

Other bad “AI” news, up to and including more deaths:

May 2023 study: Radiologists are more likely to misread mammograms if a bot also reads them and “calculates” the wrong diagnosis. Inexperienced radiologists were affected by it most, but even the moderately- and very-experienced ones were prone to being swayed by false results if “an AI” produced them.

Australian child-abuse case worker caught “using ChatGPT to draft a protection application report in December 2023 — sending a pile of stupendously sensitive information off to OpenAI in the process. The report contained inaccuracies and weirdly unprofessional phrasing — which was how it was spotted as LLM output — and downplayed the risks to the child.

This January: “Parcel delivery firm DPD have replaced their customer service chat with an AI robot thing. It’s utterly useless at answering any queries, and when asked, it happily produced a poem about how terrible they are as a company. It also swore at me.”

April: “All six [Israeli intelligence officers] said that Lavender [an “AI” targeting system] had played a central role in the war, processing masses of data to rapidly identify potential “junior” operatives to target. Four of the sources said that, at one stage early in the war, Lavender listed as many as 37,000 Palestinian men who had been linked by the AI system to Hamas or PIJ.” This system was approved when the IDF concluded it had a “90% accuracy rate” — so even if we fully accept that at face value, that means they’re happy to use a bot that flagged 3,700 innocent people, and likely everyone they lived with, to be bombed to death.

September: “The Washington Post worked with researchers at the University of California, Riverside to understand how much water and power OpenAI’s ChatGPT, using the GPT-4 language model released in March 2023, consumes to write the average 100-word email.” (It’s bad.)

“Many developers say AI coding assistants make them more productive, but a recent study set forth to measure their output and found no significant gains. Use of GitHub Copilot also introduced 41% more bugs.” (Towards the end of the article, a CEO is quoted claiming his company has doubled their output using chatbots, but there’s no explanation of how he got that number.)

I asked “Which Oscar winners have appeared in episodes of Doctor Who?” Here are the results.” Spoiler alert: it correctly ID’s several white actors that fit the criteria, but adds several white people who don’t…and leaves out a couple of black people who do.

October: “we discovered only a few days before the wedding that our officiant was not legally qualified to marry us because she had followed the incorrect, chatgpt’ed instructions that our planner sent.