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I think if I started #Svelte for the first time, today, I'd just go back to Vue or something and I'd never have become a fan.

I _understand_ that this is a 'skill issue' and that it's all my fault for not yet fully understanding the new way of doing things.

But dude, it was dead simple before. The learning curve was nearly a flat line. Shit 'just worked'. You're telling me performance is way better now with Svelte 5, but it never felt like an issue previously.

Hey chooms, are any of you interested in collaborating on a serverless peer-to-peer (WebRTC) implementation of Nine Men's Morris? (Especially e.g. asset contribution, UI design...also happy for code and architecture contribution). It's in typescript/sveltekit

I started it as a way to mess around with Zero trust serverless gaming (a broker is still required just for peer discovery) I think I'm mostly done with the game architecture and how turn validation should work without having to trust your peer.

Have a look and see what you think:

GitHubnine-peers-morris/game_diagram.png at main · zeyus/nine-peers-morrisA serverless peer-to-peer implementation of the medieval board game "Nine Men's Morris" - zeyus/nine-peers-morris

Ok #Svelte/#SvelteKit friends, why can't I get the framework-provided `error()` to work in a GET handler in a `+server.js` route? I don't return early based on the doc examples but it looks like any code that follows the `error()` is still run...