1.4-million-year-old skull fragments linked to mystery human ancestor.
@Gizmodo reports: "The fragmentary facial bones belong to Homo affinis erectus, an esoteric offshoot of our family tree that inhabited Spain more than one million years ago."

1.4-million-year-old skull fragments linked to mystery human ancestor.
@Gizmodo reports: "The fragmentary facial bones belong to Homo affinis erectus, an esoteric offshoot of our family tree that inhabited Spain more than one million years ago."
The map of life has been devoid of snakes! I cannot let this injustice stand any longer, so I'll just deposit a sidewinder into the Order Squamata. Snakes and legless lizards may be different things, but snakes are lizards without legs; they just aren't closely related to legless lizards.
Taxonomy; it really is as clear as mud. I love it!
#evolution #sciart #snakes #biology
Reden wir über Macht
OTD, only 100 years ago, March 13, 1925.
Tennessee, USA, legislature enacted what was called Butler Act:
“Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That it shall be unlawful for any teacher in any of the Universities, Normals and all other public schools of the State which are supported in whole or in part by the public school funds of the State, to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals.”
Less than three months later, high-school teacher John T. Scopes was charged with violating state law by teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
The law was repealed only in 1967.
Is anything changed there?
Welchen Sinn die #Evolution darin sieht, dass der moderne Mensch ständig müde ist, hat mir noch niemand erklären können. Wahrscheinlich macht die Evolution keinen #Sinn und #Darwin lag falsch. #QED.
Fossil enthüllt Gesicht der ersten Europäer. 1,4 Millionen Jahre alte Knochenfragmente aus Nordspanien sind ältestes Gesichtsfossil Europas. #Fossil #Fruehmensch #Atapuerca #Menschheitsgeschichte #Evolution
#evolution : any movement designed to effect a new arrangement or disposition
- French: Évolution
- German: die Evolution
- Italian: evoluzione
- Portuguese: evolução
- Spanish: evolución
Report an incorrect translation @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
The oldest human face from western #Europe, a 1.4 MA old type of #Homoerectus, #Atapuerca, N Spain
'Excavations at Sima del Elefante paint a picture of lush meadows and woodlands more than 1.1m years ago with oaks, pines, juniper and hazel trees in abundance. Rivers cutting through the landscape drew water voles and mice, hippos, bison and deer. Quartz and flint tools have also been recovered alongside animal bones bearing cut marks from butchering.'
***The Following Contains Explicit Language and Adult Content***
AJ OUM Episode 298 - Ladies Night on OUM
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#oum #wrestling #wwe #videogames #boardgames #wow #evolution #lexluger #hof #halloffame
New study finds that domestic cats traveled the Silk Road to China about 1,400 years ago.
In Spain, a remarkable place,
Bone fragments of human face.
Oldest known in the West,
History at its best,
Unveiling the past's sacred grace.
#GuardianLimerick #Archaeology #Evolution #Spain #Fossils #Science #Europe
Bone fragments of oldest known human face in western Europe found in Spain https://www.theguardian.com/science/2025/mar/12/bone-fragments-of-oldest-known-human-face-in-western-europe-found-in-spain #Archaeology #Evolution #Fossils #Science #Europe #Spain
Deep-sea fish study reveals evolutionary marvels in Earth's hadal zone https://phys.org/news/2025-03-deep-sea-fish-reveals-evolutionary.html
#Evolution and genetic adaptation of fishes to the deep sea https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867425000315
"they confirmed a century-old hypothesis about deep-sea #fish evolution involving two distinct pathways. 'Ancient survivors' colonized the deep sea before the #Cretaceous mass #extinction, while 'new immigrants' account for the majority of modern #DeepSea species that emerged after the #MassExtinction."
The Aspen Proposal suggests that a widespread understanding of how evolution shaped human nature is key to creating a sustainable civilization.
Those of us who focus primarily on our rights and freedoms are ignoring our deeply social nature.
Focusing on our needs and responsibilities is a much better way to build a better world.
Als die #Evolution im Menschen ihr #Bewusstsein erlangte, trennte sie sich gleichzeitig vom Ganzen, geistig vom Punkt Alpha und Omega, zoologisch vom Tasten hinein in Art, Rasse und Stamm. Denn das Bewusstsein differenziert in Person, Persönlichkeit und Individuum. Im Erkennen, dass Fortentwicklung nur durch Miteinander im Anderen die Evolution weiter schreiten lässt, drängt sie zurück in die Vereinigung und in ein noch mehr Bewusstwerden.
Doch wie Zellen eines Körpers, Glieder einer Gesellschaft oder Elemente einer geistigen Synthese müssen diese auch in der Vereinigung differenziert bleiben. In jeder organisierten Gesamtheit erlangen die Teile Vollkommenheit und Vollendung, erst dann wird auch die Gesamtheit immer vollkommener.
Dies ist eine Universalregel und ihre Vernachlässigung hat viele falsche pantheistische Lehren und auch säkulare Kulte gebildet. Denn die Individuen mitsamt ihrem Bewusstsein sind keinesfalls dazu bestimmt sich wie Wassertropfen im Meer zu verlieren oder sich dort wie ein Salzkorn aufzulösen.
#philosophie @philosophie #stoa #biologie #naturwissenschaft
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Scientists date remains of an ancient child that resembles both humans and Neanderthals.
From @AssociatedPress: "The child’s remains were discovered 27 years ago in a rock shelter called Lagar Velho in central Portugal."