Hackers don't sleep, but neither do we! Protect yourself with the latest advice on #SecurityNow. Subscribe, download, and listen! https://buff.ly/9gkGDMe
Hackers don't sleep, but neither do we! Protect yourself with the latest advice on #SecurityNow. Subscribe, download, and listen! https://buff.ly/9gkGDMe
I agree with #jasminecrockett that this is a freaking nightmare.
Quote #leolaporte from #securitynow #podcast in context of #adp removal from Apple in UK in expectation of what might happen in the #USA :
"This is is a weapon, we now have a #weaponized #law #enforcement in the United States. This is the time to download some #secure #encryption and start paying attention to your privacy because law enforcement's going to go after their enemies." ( See: https://twit.tv/shows/security-now/episodes/1014 )
Wer den #Chrome #Browser mit #extensions benutzt, dem sollte bewußt sein, daß #Google nur unzureichend prüft und bösartige Extensions nicht konsequent entfernt.
Wer mehr als 5 Extensions hat, sollte ( denke ich ) AUFRÄUMEN. Viele tun nicht was sie sollen oder sammeln und verkaufen Eure Daten oder alles zusammen!
#stevegibson sagt in #securitynow "Chrome Web Store Is a Mess"
( Show notes: https://www.grc.com/sn/sn-1013.htm )
#cybersecurity #cybersicherheit #privacy #privatsphare
Dear security crowd. Who else is listening to #SecurityNow podcast ?
I always suspected it, but I never thought that the host , Mr Gibson - is serious enough to entertain that Elmo could be of any help. Is Mr Gibson a Trumper? But he's so smart, you may say.. Well, apparently not smart enough.
He perhaps forgot that #cybersecurity industry is full of LGBTQ+ people and folk who openly fight against nazism.
Or should I chill my beans?
I want my ADP!
Perhaps we need to release an updated version of the Dire Straits track so the message gets out.
And given the state of the current US administration you probably do need to enable ADP in the US as soon as possible
Security tips that are always relevant! Protect your digital life with expert cybersecurity advice on #SecurityNow. Download and subscribe here: https://buff.ly/3Cs3fs6
@leo Dear Leo, I have just become a proud member of #ClubTwit. Thanks for all the podcasts and shows, and interesting discussions. I have learnt a lot so far and continue to enjoy it even more.
My main podcast is #securitynow but I also enjoy the #intelligentmachines one now.
Keep up the great work.
@Alrescha but if we're talking "call to authority", it comes highly recommended by the #SecurityNOW podcast hosts. Can't be bad :)
But, as always; the safest most private option is self hosting, so set up your own infra for goodness sake :)
Hackers don’t sleep, but neither do we! Protect yourself with the latest cybersecurity news on #SecurityNow with @leo Laporte and @SGgrc. Subscribe today!
@BreakingImpossible Have a look at the latest Security Now episode (1007). Starting @ 00:16:34 :)
#SecurityNow #PictureOfTheWeek
@catalyst Did you intentionally name them after the hosts of #SecurityNow
..or is that a coincidence?
Is this the path of #abo models and that we don‘t own anything anymore?
Security Now! Podcast Episode 1000
With @leo and @SGgrc and the episode after 999 (which was supposed to be the last episode)
The last 20 years of #InfoSec News in review and other topics
#SecurityNow #1000
First run this fall I needed to put on a beanie and gloves. It’s getting a bit chilly in the morning now. Skipping the audiobook in favor off SN993 with @SGgrc and @leo.
Hard to break off after an hour on the track and head home for a shower and then work, with such exiting topics as in this weeks podcast. Thank you for a great listen, SpinRite 6.1 which resurrected a HDD in my Synology and with the upcoming 999 and beyond. #running #SecurityNow
@SGgrc hoping to hear more about "Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose" https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/05/novel-attack-against-virtually-all-vpn-apps-neuters-their-entire-purpose/ in an upcoming #SecurityNow !
#SecurityNow episode 966 is a bit terrifying - well, the topic "Morris the Second" is terrifying, considering how many companies are rushing to add "AI" to everything.
Finished another great #SecurityNow show from the #TWiT network.
Questions about #PassKeys:
1) are they / will they be susceptible to quantum?
2) If the company / server side has nothing to keep, doesn't that make the end user the target? Bad guys would rather get many credentials from the server, but if can't will go after people's, yes? Grand[mp]a will lose that fight.
On the latest #SecurityNow with @leo and @SGgrc what state is trying to ban encryption? Which Edge feature is coming to Chrome? And are services really selling data? Tune in to hear what was said and what lessons were learned: https://twit.tv/shows/security-now/episodes/963
Hey @leo here’s one for the #SecurityNow podcast:
At the end of my electronic check-in on my mobile device for a doctor’s appointment I had to sign all these consent forms (for HIPAA etc.). The last form was an opt-in for the check-in service which was also a medical records service to use my medical information to market stuff to me. It looked a lot like the other consent forms but I caught it and opted out. Really scummy!