Is there a GDPR-friendly way to set up (self hosted) a free, minimalist Git source code management system without registration (just for me as the admin), possibly including templates for a privacy policy?
I want to move away from Github.
Not exactly minimalist but free, self hosted (and gdpr friendly, as long as you are )
I don’t have personal experience with this one, but it’s meant to be good
@michael Yes, gitlab is great and I like it too, but my little server won't be able to handle it :D
@michael thank you :) I will definitely have a look on gitea
@lukasrotermund You might be interested in this recent post from @simontatham: If figuring out the end state described there, from scratch, doesn't sound attractive, you can get 90% of the way there with the "gitolite" tool. It's pretty simple to get running, and is what I use.
I don't believe that single user, self-hosted git has any overlap with GDPR concerns, but I'm not a lawyer.
@jonathanmatthews @simontatham I'm more interested in logging and IP addresses. Since this is not "my" software, I need something that does not log anything, or gives me privacy help by telling me what it does log, so I can put it in my privacy policy :)
But I'll have a look at what you sent me! Thanks! :)
@lukasrotermund @jonathanmatthews @simontatham you usually can setup your webserver /forward proxy to mangle or remove the visitor's IP address. I'd think that's the only thing that matters in the case you describe; with no signups, there's no data. Unless you're going to accept patches, that might "leak" email addresses, depending on how you do it.
@max @jonathanmatthews @simontatham oh, great idea!
Add a (wireguard) tunnel to the host (at home?), and use git+ssh over that. Works beautifully for me.
@KingmaYpe It should also be easy for the public to visit :D otherwise that is exactly what I would do :)
I moved from to recently. See my bio for public access. That might also fit your requirements.
If it's just for you, why not a remote shell account - reachable with ssh - with a bare repo?
I find that if a repo is just for myself, I don't see why I would need anything more fancy than that.
If you do want something more fancy but still lightweight, you could also look at #radicle
@lukasrotermund #Gitolite is by far the easiest to setup. The only thing you need is a server reachable by ssh. Another great option to self host is #gitea (I am using this for private projects and to mirror my public ones). Has a nice web UI etc.