Today I finally found some time to build the second frame for the HP measuring devices. I think the result turned out quite well. The frame is open and all devices get enough air.
@BoscoLab Where did you source the profiles?
@Martinius German ebay
@BoscoLab I have only a very vague idea what they do but I love the easthetic
@BoscoLab this looks awesome! is this just built out of those aluminum channels? i have a few bits of test equipment that i’ve been trying to mount and this looks like a great option :D
@BoscoLab Awesome project, looks great! I'll have to move my 19" boat anchors from the bench to a rack cabinet (such as yours) one day
@BoscoLab are these just stacked in or are there well-hidden rack rails etc?
@HeNeArXn There are rails in which the feet of the devices are locked. This means that the devices cannot slip forwards or backwards. it works very well.