Not sure whether punishing children for the neglect of their parents is good though. You could (and should) separate potentially infectious patients from at-risk children anyway instead.
What's the goal here? Those parents (falsely) believe they do what's best for their children. Threatening them to withhold care for their sick children to coerce them into accepting a jab is not going to convince them that you have their children's best interest at heart.
Is it just punishment?
It's a choice for the parents to make. Now make it. Then move along. Solving every problem in the world is not the responsibility of any single doctor. Providing good care to patients is.
@mxrn @VeroniqueB99
What is the point of punishing the doctor's other patients with the risk of life-threatening disease passed on by an anti-vaxxer or their child? The anti-vaxxer is free to take their child to another doctor, the immunocompromised patient isn't free to shrug off the infection.
@mxrn @VeroniqueB99 it doesn't say their kids are sick
People demanding spaced out or skipped vaccines tend not to have sick kids. That's his point. Their presence endangers the ones who ARE sick.
@mxrn @VeroniqueB99 I support this guy’s right to fire patients from his practice, I encourage it because I’m not looking to get infected when I go to the doctors
But threatening to call CPS because these people don’t want their babies to have 10 shots in one sitting or however many they’re trying to give them is disgusting.
Threatening to call CPS on parents for harm that has not happened isn’t the best way to get parents to bring their kids in to see you for help with anything.
@maggiejk @mxrn @VeroniqueB99 we had a pediatrician give us the explanation of “just trust me” and would even give us a pamphlet for us to look at.
How horrifying if CPS is called because the dr and the parents disagree about what a thorough explanation is.
@mxrn @VeroniqueB99 with people like this their only recourse is not to participate and to report. They cannot trust them to not endanger their other patients.
@mxrn Nope. This is his policy. Parents who won't vax are warned that they won't be welcomed because they represent a threat.