I'm in the process of moving my notes from #Evernote to #OneNote. It's turning out to be quite a trip down memory lane.
I signed up to Evernote almost 15 years (!!) ago in August 2008 and have been a semi-frequent user ever since. So, in the migration process, I'm stumbling across:
* notes from interviews I did on #OLPC in 2010
* ideas for apps I had in 2012
* preparation for multiple backpacking trips
* Recipes from 2015
Needless to say, this migration is taking longer than expected.
@random_musings how many ideas became reality? Did any involve fatherhood?
@wayan_vota I didn't implement any of those app ideas, but in almost all cases someone else did (and better than I could have done at the time ).
And no, fatherhood wasn't on my to-do list at that time.