@metalpoetnl brings us another new weekly music hashtag, it's #PowerFriday. The theme for this week is #TheOther70Percent, no English songs. Thanks for this great new hashtag AJ
That's a theme I like. Let's have some Mary's Blood as my (first) contribution for this
Listen to Promised Land by Mary's Blood on youtube via invidious here:
@metalpoetnl #PowerFriday #TheOther70Percent
My second contribution is RAGE with Vollmond, their German version of Full Moon
Listen to Vollmond by Rage on youtube via invidious here:
@metalpoetnl #PowerFriday #TheOther70Percent
Well, we can go on with RAGE and Full Moon for a bit
Listen to Michi-Shi Tsuki ("Full Moon" Japanese version) by RAGE on youtube via invidious here:
@metalpoetnl #PowerFriday #TheOther70Percent
Ok, I think this is the last of RAGE's Full Moon variants, sounds great in Spanish
Listen to La Luna Reine by RAGE on youtube via invidious here: