Ugh, I hate to admit this, but due to accessibility needs I was forced to return to Windows. Of course, first thing I had to do was tweak privacy settings to try and cut down on its tracking bullshit. Just one too many minor accessibility issues with Linux to make it useable for me right now... #A11Y #Accessibility #Blind
@simplygregarious I'm curious: What was it that finally made you give up on the Linux accessibility venture? Any specific occurrence that sealed it?
@marco Having GTK 4 apps repeatedly crash Orca on me, for example Tuba, Fractal
@simplygregarious OK, so you were really living on the edge there. I hear GTK 4 is not nearly as stable as GTK 2 was, and GTK 3 was to some extent. Even though the GNOME 3 desktop was pretty rubbish from an accessibility standpoint. But that’s mostly due to everything being built in JS and a div subset of HTML, I presume, not the API itself. But yeah, I can understand that a frequently crashing screen reader is disconcerting and off-putting.
@simplygregarious No shame in that at all.
I did the same back in 2023, after all, and I'm still using windows to this day. Granted, I still have linux as the daily driver, pure CLI though, and have only windows for the GUI side of things.
But like I said in my thread back that year, don't do like I did. Don't sacrifice your own mental health and wellbeing in the hope things will just improve if you hold out long enough. When every day becomes a fight, don't push it. There is no shame in going back to a more usable alternative, and anyone who tells you otherwise can go and eat broken glass.
@simplygregarious Is there a guide to shore up Windows for privacy as much as possible?
@JustinMac84 Not that I'm aware of. I just went through the privacy & security settings and turned off things that were practical to turn off + I use Mullvad to assist in blocking trackers that I might not be able to turn off inthe Windows interface.