A linkdump that explores the lovely new web, the Vietnamese chip news cycle, and ambivalent ecological developments: https://stefanlaser.net/2024/01/30/a-linkdump-that.html
Just skim read the post and a few of the links and will come back to it later. Good stuff . Thanks for curating those links!
Also: Nice website!
One thing that confused me for a second is the navigation. Since it is immediately above the post and below the heading + your short bio and since the background color of the navigation panel is the same as everything else (white), I first mistook the navigation elements for tags in your blog post.
@raphael_hemme Nice to have you in this comment feed! Professional web design critique is wholesome. So the site uses the Hugo/Micro.blog template (mostly) as defined by the author of TinyTheme @matthew.
I saw others remove the button onlyin the header, that might be an elegant css improvement. Maybe I do that.
As in, edit `nav a` with:
- `text-decoration: underline`
- `border: none`
- `font-size: 1em`
Additional with `nav u`
- `background-color: #107896`
- `border-radius: 5px`
- font white
@stefanlaser @matthew
Sounds good.
Have you heard about HTMX (https://htmx.org)? I haven’t tried it myself yet but from what I hear, it should be right up your alley. But if Hugo works well for you, that is great. Still thought I’d share the link.
I think I will also play around with HTMX since the bundle size of my site is currently just scary huge.
@raphael_hemme @matthew I like these minimal things. But 14kb only for the styles, that's nuts
@stefanlaser @matthew
As I understand it it is only 14kb for a whole framework. But it seems quite a bit more involved as using something like Hugo as I learned yesterday because you’d need to write the whole backend logic for handling the XHR requests which in turn send updated markup (HTML) to the client and so on.
But you could e.g. use Python for the server if you are still working with Python and are searching for a side project.
@stefanlaser There is now a way to customize the Tiny Theme navigation (and many other things) using more than CSS. https://mattlangford.com/2024/02/02/new-tiny-theme.html