More from NYmag, highlighted by #Maddow.
#Trump’s dark political motives aside, he’s probably not someone White should take moneymaking advice from. One of Trump’s many failed business ventures prior to running for president was the #MMA co #Affliction Entertainment, which tried to challenge #UFC’s PPV dominance in 2008. #MichaelCohen was the COO. It ran out of money & folded after hosting only 2 events.
Hey, folks; we appear to be on track for the Tuesday collab #stream with KeelaSnep at 2:00p Pacific. We're early in the campaign for the #PathOfExile #Affliction league, with her trying out Witch and me working on Templar. Do please consider dropping by and hanging out with us?
Morning Folks! I completely failed to do a post yesterday... time is a strange quantity.
Anyway, we are just a few hours shy of being one week into the #PathOfExile #Affliction league, and as a result, I wanted to share my thoughts so far. I gotta say... they are overwhelmingly positive even though it effectively killed my beloved Righteous Fire Juggernaut.
One Week of Affliction League
Hey Folks! Last week knocked the wind out of my sails... which led to an unexpected break from blogging. This morning however I return with a discussion of how #PathOfExile #Affliction league has gone so far in the Semi-SSF Private league we are doing. I am learning to live without Righteous Fire and instead pivot into Boneshatter.
Fourth Day of Affliction
Hey Folks! We had the full crew! This week we talked about:
-- #TheGameAwards 2023
-- #Monarch Legacy of Monsters
-- #TheExit8
-- #PathOfExile #Affliction league and the #BelLeague private event so far.
#AggroChat #460 - Spoopy Forest Friends
Morning Folks! Last night I got everything ready for the #PathOfExile private league we are doing for #Affliction and then this morning I crafted my very first #GuildWars2 legendary weapon thanks in part to the Wizard's Vault.
Bolt Crafted Sorta
This morning is one of my mixed topics posts as I talk about our emergency bathroom "renovations", #BaldursGate3, #FFXIV job leveling, #GuildWars2 wizard cores, and settling on the notion of EA Champ for #PathOfExile #Affliction league.
Precarious Potty
Folks we are down the first part of the alphabet this week but we carry forward with four people.
This week we talked about:
-- The massive meta-shakeup that is #PathOfExile #Affliction league
-- Bel picking a fight with Kodra and calling #GW2 more of an #ARPG than a traditional #MMORPG
-- #StarCitizen forcing some interesting player choices
AggroChat #459 - An Elegy for Pohx
Friends... I have never gone so rapidly from overwhelmingly excited about something to crushingly depressed. This morning I talk about the #PathOfExile #Affliction league announcement and the death of #RighteousFire as we know it today.
Mourning Righteous Fire
Der Dokumentarfilm #Affliction bietet einen Einblick in die Arbeit von Ärzte ohne Grenzen während des Ebola-Ausbruchs in Westafrika. Der Eintritt ist frei und im Anschluss an die Vorführung am 20. November 2023 um 20 Uhr habt ihr Gelegenheit, Fragen an Projektbeteiligte von #ÄrzteOhneGrenzen zu stellen und gemeinsam zu diskutieren.
@tekrelm I get the same feeling from #SteveShives as well, and I specifically was like "what's wrong the this" the whole time he kavetched about #Affliction and #Divergence in #ENT. I think he plays it up for the meme a bit, but I find it totally alien and someone infuriating to me that people get MAD about FIXING a continuity error, as if they liked it not making sense. I get the same impression to everyone who dissed anyone complaining about the #Ferengi redesign in #DIS.
What is on your mind the Fediverse asks. First of all the therapeutic effect of encounters with children. I have been feeling rather down lately due to a condition which has rendered me deaf in my right ear. It began in early June of last year and I have seen an ENT specialist on and off since that time, and have since been referred to another more specialized ENT for follow up. In any case coming out of a Costco warehouse yesterday I spotted a four year old girl accompanied by her mother. The child embodied life force, you could feel the energy radiating from this little girl. I recognized it for what it was and it lifted my spirit so that my depression evaporated instantly.
My wife is visiting her daughter in another province for ten days. I was encouraged to socialize and see friends during her absence. I decided to use those ten days for solitude and secretly feed my hermetic tendencies. #solitude #children #Depression #relationships @medical #affliction #psychology