Dang, Little Whittle missed me! Two weeks away and I spot it in the creek on the morning ramble. It sees us and swims right up. My fav beaver. They were active today, others munching on fresh reed grass. #Hiking #Beavers #GetOutside.
Dang, Little Whittle missed me! Two weeks away and I spot it in the creek on the morning ramble. It sees us and swims right up. My fav beaver. They were active today, others munching on fresh reed grass. #Hiking #Beavers #GetOutside.
#Today 31
Good day!
*Mount Sentinel. If you look close, there’s an M on it. Behind it is University Peak.
Right after sunrise on this chilly day, I’ll depart on a hike down Hellgate Canyon. If possible, it’ll be a long hike. I could see some drizzle.
This afternoon? Editing.
Be everwell.
#Today 30
from Aug 2023
Good day!
Coldest morning in a while. Another day, another walk, another chapter to edit.
While the weather transforms, I’m transforming me, transforming the book. When I reach the point when I’m no longer doing, I’m done.
I step out the door, & the mountain air transforms me…
Be everwell.
#Today 29
Good day!
Have to share this. It’s maximum zoom with my cheap phone. I finally caught a squirrel partaking of my morning offering on the Milwaukee Trail.
My April journal is setup. Another chapter is edited.
I’ll walk (winterish weather has returned), purchase Evie food, & edit.
Be everwell.
#Today 28
Good day!
I found it, the line between winter & spring.
For me, after so many days writing around other tasks, I have a day of peace for writing, though adversity has made me insanely productive.
My last hike was my longest in months, my legs eager to tackle more next week. Bring it on.
Be everwell.
I mentioned a couple of days ago that we had a #weather forecast for #rain + #snow possibly quite a bit. It stayed rain longer than forecast, finally going white (for a short time) late his morning; stopped for now, but still a possibility of 10-20cm through tomorrow night. Yesterday afternoon when it was just wet / kinda dark I took a short walk on the acreage- I like the #forest best when it's wet! #mosstodon #GoOutsideForMe #GetOutside #Alberta #Canada #SolaceInNature #nature #BorealForest
#Today 27
Good day!
I took the Milwaukee Trail to explore the wild areas along the river across from downtown.
Nostalgia on my part? No, sorrow.
While our skyline grows, these areas decay. There’s neglect, restrictive fencing popping up, & expanding homeless encampments.
All thanks to our gov’t-slashing Republican governor.
5.1 sad miles.
Be everwell.
#Today 26
Good day!
Shortly, I’ll head east on the Milwaukee Trail for a hike along the river.
Over the next month, I’ll extend that to include Hellgate Canyon, Mt. Sentinel, & Pattee Canyon. Then, I’ll expand my horizons again.
Later, I’ll edit a chapter & reach 67% on Book3. Milestones, I note them all!
Be everwell.
I took #photos on #MacroMonday but just getting some posted today! How about #TextureTuesday ? or #TwiggyTuesday #TranquilTuesday
These are Aspen Populus tremuloides catkins just beginning to emerge.
#nature #Alberta #Canada #GetOutside #GoOutsideForMe #BorealForest #spring #winter #sprinter
No free shuttle for me! On days like today when my car is getting worked on, I turn it into a #cycling adventure. After driving to the mechanic with my bike on the back of the car, I cycle home taking a very scenic route. Then return by bike to pick up my car. Do this year ‘round, rain or shine (and it is shining bright today! ). #ocean #beach #nature
#SeaScape #sea #NaturePhotography #landscape #photography #LandscapePhotography #GetOutside #exercise
#Today 25
Good day!
On my walk yesterday in the rain, I solved a problem in a key chapter & came up with a handful of blogging ideas.
I’ll draft one of those today.
The edit is 64% done. This was drafted 8-years ago with some light editing since. It’s kinda rough. But not when I’m done.
Be everwell.
Hiking Ancient Lakes part 8. This giant boulder seems eerily prescient, like something out of a fantasy novel. Perhaps someone (or some thing) threw it off the cliff at the last people who passed this way.
Anyway, for more about how this landscape formed, see here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missoula_floods
#PNW #Washington #hiking #geology #iceage #getoutside #outdoors
Hiking Ancient Lakes part 7. You can't go wrong with waterfalls and columnar basalt. Orange lichen on rabbit brush. Also does anyone recognize these giant reeds? Is this invasive pampas grass or something native? I don't know many of the plants here at all. 7/8
#PNW #Washington #hiking #geology #iceage #getoutside #outdoors
Hiking Ancient Lakes part 6. Small video: turn the sound up. It's frog breeding season in the still water of the coulee lakes, and they're going crazy. Some spring birds there too. 6/8
#PNW #Washington #hiking #geology #iceage #getoutside #outdoors
Hiking Ancient Lakes part 5. Here's some closeups of the main rock attraction here: columnar basalt, a result of ancient lava flows (way more ancient than the lakes). I keep wondering where all this lava came from-- the nearest existant volcano is probably Mt Rainier, over 130km away. 5/8
#PNW #Washington #hiking #geology #iceage #getoutside #outdoors
Hiking Ancient Lakes part 4. This is a state park. Strangely, the trails aren't very well marked and in order to see all the good parts you have to drive round the outside to a couple different trailheads. But on a weekday in March, it's blissfully quiet and empty. I saw only maybe 6 people all day. 4/8 #PNW #Washington #hiking #geology #iceage #getoutside #outdoors
Hiking Ancient Lakes part 3. This place is called "Ancient Lakes" and it's right by "The Gorge" amphitheater (WA people will know this place for its outdoor concerts). Ironically this system of coulees (canyon like flood channels) was formed by post-Ice Age glacial runoff, which in geological time isn't ancient at all-- it's like the day before yesterday. 3/8 #PNW #Washington #hiking #geology #iceage #getoutside #outdoors