Happy May Day.

Gonna add a few resources; the first one is on tear gas, from a few summers ago.
It was produced by Danielle Guldin a Marine Corps instructor who taught people to deal with CS.
Find the original here:
There is a closed captioned version (and full transcript) available here:
Original text:

How to Stay Safe During a Tear Gas
Attack - From a US Marine

This is for the protesters
I am a former Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Defense Specialist in the US Marine Corps. Step by step, this
is how to stay as safe as possible when exposed to tear gas. I hope this is helpful.
EDIT: there is now a
captioned video available on YouTube for the deaf and hard of hearing! Stay safe.
Q: Does milk help?.
A: NO! Milk is a low level acid and will make the sensation worse/last longer. THE BEST AND FASTEST way to alleviate symptoms is fresh air! Wait a LONG time (hours) before showering. Wash hands
with soap at any time.
Q: Will it cause an asthma attack?
A: Tear gas is not specifically designed to trigger an asthma attack, however it is a possibility.
Please note: I am NOT a medic nor posturing as one. Follow the protocol you're familiar with and get to a hospital
if you feel an attack coming on. PLEASE talk to your doctor about any/all specific health concerns before putting yourself in an uncertain position.
Q: How about a mini fan?
A: YES! Great idea. A mini fan will help create airflow, therefore helping the powder dry.*
Q: Leaf blower?
A: Not advisable, especially at close range. The wind is too strong, and too direct. Runs the risk of pushing
powder further into the pores. Mini fan for a gentle wind is a good idea.
Q: Can I wear my contacts?
A: Not advisable. Wear glasses if you have them. lf powder gets between your eye and your contact, it could potentially scratch your cornea.
Q: Should I wear swim goggles?
A: YES! Excellent idea! Thick plastic swim or ski goggles, when worn correctly, could be very effective
in protecting your eyes!
Note: powder will collect around the outside. Be careful taking them off.
Q: What else can I wear to protect myself?
A: Long sleeves, pants, high socks, closed-toe shoes, scarves, hats, and gloves will do a lot to protect your
skin! Cover as much of yourself as you can. It won't stop all of the powder from reaching your skin, but a barrier will stop some.
Q: Will it come out of my clothes?
A: YES! Wash them separately from other laundry twice. It will all come out.
#JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #JusticeForAhmaud
#ActivistResouces #StudentEncampment #SolidarityEncampment
#FuckThePolice #TearGas