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#Serbia is rising up against the corrupt regime of #AleksandarVučić, led by students and a broad, anti-party movement.

The #OrthodoxChurch is divided, with some bishops backing the protests and others fiercely opposing them. One brave group of priests in Kruševac openly supported the protesters, defying their bishop's stance. This is a powerful statement of freedom, justice, and dignity in a system that thrives on #repression and #corruption.

Church of St. Anne, Królowy Most, Poland

The church was built in the first half of the 20th century for the Orthodox parish established in 1900. Construction began in 1913 and was fully completed before 1939.

The temple was constructed in the shape of a Greek cross, using stone and facing brick, in an eclectic style. Inside, there is an iconostasis originating from a church in Grodno. The polychromes of the temple were created by Włodzimierz Wasilewicz in 1939.

#krolowymost #cerkiew #cerkiewprawoslawna #orthodox #orthodoxchurch #podlasie #podlaskie #kosciol #church #polska #poland #swiatynia #temple #chrzescijanstwo #christianity #wiara #religia #region #faith #view #widok #krajobraz #landscape #archotektura #architecture #architekturasakralna #sacralarchitecture
Church of St. John the Theologian, Monastery of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, Supraśl, Poland

Built of red bricks between 1889 and 1890 within the monastery buildings. It serves the faithful (and monks) as a warm winter church. It was added to the existing southern monastic wing, connecting directly to it from the eastern elevation.

This is an oriented temple, rectangular in shape with a three-part structure typical of Orthodox churches.

The original iconostasis has not survived. The current iconostasis was created in contemporary times. The icons for this iconostasis were painted at the Iconographic Studio in Bielsk Podlaski, under the direction of Father Leoncjusz Tofiluk.

#suprasl #cerkiew #cerkiewprawoslawna #orthodox #orthodoxchurch #podlasie #kosciol #church #polska #poland #temple #swiatynia #chrzescijanstwo #christianity #monastery #monaster #wiara #religia #religion #ikony #ikonostas #iconostasis
Defensive Orthodox church, Supraśl, Poland (part 1 of 3)

The monastery in Supraśl is one of five male Orthodox monasteries in Poland. Work on the main church, a defensive temple dedicated to the Annunciation, began here in 1510.

In 1635, the monastery came under the control of the Uniates and was administered by the Basilian order for nearly 200 years. This order significantly expanded the complex, adding new Baroque furnishings to the monastery church and a three-tiered iconostasis with a crowning element.

In 1824, after Supraśl fell under Russian rule, the monastery was taken over by the Russian Orthodox Church. The male monastery functioned until 1915, when the monks went into exile.

During the interwar period, the monastery buildings belonged to the Salesians.

From 1939 to 1941, the monastery was devastated by the Soviet troops stationed there. A kitchen was set up in the Church of St. John the Theologian, and a forge was established in the main temple. Soldiers removed icons from the building and destroyed the Baroque iconostasis.

In 1944, retreating Germans blew up the main church and forced the monks to leave the monastery. The remains of the temple were secured as a permanent ruin after World War II.

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Unipolar Multipolar – Kultureller Mord
In der neuen Folge sprechen Flavio von Witzleben und Dr. Karin Kneissl über die aktuelle Situation in der umkämpften russischen Region Kursk, die auch nach über zwei Wochen noch immer nicht zur Ruhe gekommen ist. Außerdem diskutieren sie das Verbot der ukrainisch-orthodoxen Kirche sowie die Frage, welche Folgen dies für die Bürger der Ukraine hat und ob angesichts derartiger Entwicklungen noch von einer Demokratie in der Ukraine gesprochen werden kann.

Des Weiteren sprechen die beiden über die Besuche von Wladimir Putin in Aserbaidschan und Tschetschenien, bei denen er den Opfern des tödlichsten Terroranschlags in der modernen Geschichte Russlands gedachte, bei dem im Jahr 2004 mehr als 330 Menschen ums Leben kamen. Darüber hinaus thematisieren sie eine Anordnung des russischen Präsidenten, die vorsieht, die Einreise von Ausländern zu erleichtern, die aufgrund der "traditionellen Werte" nach Russland ziehen möchten.

#podcast #unipolar #multipolar #karinkneissl #flaviovonwitzleben #russia #ukraine #kursk #orthodoxchurch #beslan #vladimirputin #traditionalvalues #livinginrussia


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The #RussianFederation is starting to fray at the edges.
Gunmen opened fire at a #synagogue, an #OrthodoxChurch, and a #PolicePost in attacks across two cities in #Russia’s #NorthCaucasus region of #Dagestan on Sunday, June 23, killing an Orthodox priest and at least 15 police officers, the region’s head said. #Ukraine

Orthodox priest, at least 15 police killed in gunmen attack in Russia’s North Caucasus, officials say

RAPPLER · Orthodox priest, at least 15 police killed in gunmen attack in Russia's North Caucasus, officials say'This is a day of tragedy for Dagestan and the whole country," Sergei Melikov, governor of the Dagestan region, says