Journalist from #NerdReich with a short video about #NetworkStates.
#Prospera #BalajiSrinivasan #PeterThiel #CaliforniaForever

Journalist from #NerdReich with a short video about #NetworkStates.
#Prospera #BalajiSrinivasan #PeterThiel #CaliforniaForever
#Empresariales Roatán destaca entre los Hubs Globales de startups en competencia realizada en Zona Próspera #Finanzas #Roatan #startups #Prospera #MeetTheDrapers #Honduras
‘Startup Nation’ Groups Say They’re Meeting Trump Officials to Push for #Deregulated ‘Freedom Cities’
"#Minicircle’s gene #therapy clinical trial on the protein follistatin — which he claims increases muscle mass without side effects, and also has life-extending benefits in mice — was only possible in #Próspera...companies benefiting from #FreedomCities..."
#Thiel #Palantir
‘Startup Nation’ Groups Say They’re Meeting #Trump Officials to Push for Deregulated ‘Freedom Cities’
The architects of projects like #Próspera are drafting legislation to create US cities that would be free from federal regulations.
#freedomcities #startupnation
Trump wants to buy #Greenland so his Nerd Reich buddies can launch one of their "Network State" #libertarian utopia / hellhole #cryptocurrency cities on it.
"The Network State" is a nonsense idea from #Balaji, #PeterThiel, #MarcAndreessen, and a bunch of other #crypto creeps of a series of offshore cities where there are no poor people (other than the servants) and no pesky laws (especially laws against things like #moneylaundering).
see also: #Prospera in #Honduras and a few others that already are out there and are definitely not deeply resented by the native populations and/or trying to bankrupt the countries they're located in.
full thread:
The For-Profit City That Might Come Crashing Down
The dream of Próspera, founded by a US corporation off the coast of Honduras, was to escape government control
The Honduran government wants it gone
So now you understand the Crypto Bros love of Zionism.
That genocide is about Real Estate, the next land grab from the Oligarchs will use the same tactics.
Lol, I'm all for rich idiots being experimented on, even better that they pay for the privilege!
"Próspera is a private, for-profit city, with its own government that courts foreign investors through low taxes and light regulation. Businesses can choose a regulatory framework from a menu of 36 countries or customize their own."
"The week of my visit, Patri Friedman, grandson of the economist Milton Friedman and the founder of a start-up-cities fund that invested in Próspera, had a chip with his Tesla key implanted into his hand. On a previous trip he brushed his teeth with genetically modified bacteria purported to prevent cavities. Another time he was injected with a protein booster intended to make him 'stronger and faster,' as he put it at a conference in Roatán that weekend."
"Critics have described it as a neocolonial state within a state, or an example of corporate monarchy, where yacht-owning C.E.O.s exploit land and labor in a poor country."
#Prospera #NetworkStates #CharterCities
@ct_bergstrom This is not about losing one's mind, but about gaining control, and about implementing exactly what has been proposed.
Erecting de-facto democracy-free zones has been on the billionaire agenda for more than a decade, and flexibly called "going to #Mars", "#CharterCities", "#ModelCities"; or implemented in #Cayalá; cast into #ZEDE laws used against the very country they're in, like w/ #Próspera that asks the #US (!) to "encourage" (!) #Honduras to "respect its legal commitments".
#Amerika 21 #ZEDE #Neoliberalismus #Faschismus #AfD #Drogenschmuggel #Roatán #Privatstädte #Próspera #Morazán City #Orquídea
Städte ohne Staat - und ohne #Demokratie
Speakerstour zu den weltweit ersten Privatstädten in #Honduras
Why settle with #GoldenPassports when you can have #GoldenCities?
The (long) cautionary tale of the island of #Roatan, where #libertarians & #investors set up their quasi-#extraterritorial #city "#Prospera", with permission from #Honduras to "write their own #laws and regulations, design their own #court systems, and operate their own #police forces"
Remember this whenever your hear about the likes of #Thiel, #Andreessen or #Musk seeking to establish their own kingdoms
Xiomara Castro:
In May 2022 Castro signed a measure passed by Congress to abolish Honduras' special economic zones, which the previous National government implemented.
Delaware-based company called Próspera has launched a case to challenge the repeal of the law ...
Special economic zones: >> search: "special economic zones"
#FreePrivateCities #FreeCities #Libertarianism #AnCap
From newsletter:
"[..] the arbitration process between #Prospera and the #Government of #Honduras has started [...] for $10.775 billion. Other companies are suing Honduras as well, reacting to other anti-investment moves by the Honduran government. Honduras is also facing pressure from the US, with a bill being introduced to “protect US investment” abroad."
Interesting to see how international-grade agreement works out.
#amerika21 #Privatstadt #Próspera verklagt #Honduras auf 10,77 Milliarden US-Dollar
Nach dem Ablauf eines Ultimatums an die honduranische Regierung Mitte Dezember hat das Privatstadtunternehmen Próspera Inc. Klage bei einem internationalen #Schiedsgericht eingereicht.
Diese "internationalen Schiedsgerichte" heben den normalen #Rechtsweg auf, sie haben die Qualität von #Femegericht|en oder selbsternannten "Gerichtshöfen" von #Reichsdeppen.
Finding Liberty In Parallel: Bitcoin And The Free Cities Movement
#Libertarians #Prospera #Culture #Citadel #Opinion
The Free City Of Próspera: Can This Island City’s Bitcoin Standard Pave The Way?
#LegalTender #Prospera #Honduras #Culture #Feature
Privatstädte, AfD, Crypto & Klassismus! - Andreas Kemper im Talk