@Arnault von #SwiftKey gibt's ne plattdeutsche Tastatur incl. Autokorrektur die ganz gut läuft ... :) #plattdeutsch #plattdüütsch
@Arnault von #SwiftKey gibt's ne plattdeutsche Tastatur incl. Autokorrektur die ganz gut läuft ... :) #plattdeutsch #plattdüütsch
The privacy feature I like best in #GrapheneOS is the ability to turn off the network access for a particular app. It's a mandatory permission in #Android, and simply taking it away would break a lot of apps. So instead, GrapheneOS just tells the app that the permission is granted, but the network isn't available.
I'm used to #SwiftKey, but it makes me uncomfortable that the keyboard knows everything I type and has functions that call home. You can turn them off, but you never know. In GrapheneOS, you let it download dictionaries and kill the network access, then you know for sure.
Dear SwiftKey.
You and I have been together every day for about fifteen years now.
But sometimes I feel like you don't know me at all.
Years ago, I started using a cool keyboard app instead of OEM. It was really clever, learning from my common phrases and mistakes, & predictions were sensible.
Then Microsoft bought it & it enshittified to the extent that typos render predictions useless. I just typed inagine. I often hit n, not m. Was imagine offered as an option? Ahahaha. No. "In again" was, though... and "in ageing". Hi-contrast theme works...sometimes...
So... Any good Android learning #keyboard that isn't #SwiftKey?
Ho provato alternative #opensource alla tastiera #SwiftKey per #Android, ma non riesco a trovarmici bene. Con la tastiera #Microsoft sono molto più veloce a scrivere ed accurato, sia in italiano, ma soprattutto in inglese.
Switched to iOS. I find it ironic that Microsoft makes the best keyboard for iPhones.
I don't think people realise just how shit their phone keyboards are. For years I was using #MinuumKeyboard and it was a great experience. I didn't have to type precisely because the algorithm would use press position and the previous word to guess what I was trying to type.
Now I'm using #GBoard and it's stupid as hell. There's nothing smart about it. No #MachineLearning nothing. I know there's zealots that hate the idea of #AI and by extension #ML. But bear in mind, all #Minuum machine learning was done on-device.
Typing is so laborious now. It's slow and painful and I'm constantly forced to do what should be the job of the processor.
Honestly, keyboards were supposed to be the next frontier is tech warring but unfortunately the big bastards shut everyone else. I still lament the fact that #Mozilla didn't even have the balls or foresight to give it a go. Imagine a well supported #OpenSource #keyboard that could sync your dictionary to your other devices via your own #selfhosted server. Instead #Google gave us GBoard which doesn't even try and #Microsoft have #SwiftKey which stopped trying when they bought it. Both are super happy to farm their users for #LLM data though.
It's a damn shame.
I am going ten rounds by e-mail with Microsoft Support for #SwiftKey trying to raise the alarm about a recent-ish change where the keyboard app now autocorrects words that are spelt correctly to other words its prediction model deems more likely.
I am a Pisces and my birthday is not the 13th of 'match.' I am not trying to round you out about a new idea.
My most recent e-mail called out (gently) the support tech's obvious use of an LLM to write a placatory response.
Time for another one to join killedbygoogle.com No updates for two years definitely seems like it
When I just tried to type "google" on my phone, my keyboard suggested that I might want to type "google-android-pixel-showcase-vulnerability"
Not once do I recall ever writing that before, so why is #Swiftkey suggesting it?
Seit ca. 15 Jahren Android Nutzer. Und immer wieder probiere ich bei jedem neuen Handy die originale Google Tastatur aus. Und immer wieder komme ich zurück zu SwiftKey. Da geht nix drüber. #LetztesWortlöschen #LeertasteFügtWortvorschlagEin #SwiftKey #FTW
Quicktype på dansk i ios 18. Kan endelig afinstallere #SwiftKey! @4nd3rs @gahms @jenspoder
I use SwiftKey on my android phones (yes, two). Gboard is simplistic and clunky, but there's no other decent alternative. Now I'm faced with copilot being automatically switched on for grammar or spelling corrections, all horrible and useless. I cant turn it off, there's no 'disable copilot' anywhere. It's malware by any other name and it's really depressing to have to deal with this massive industry hijacking of software and interface use.
You know, while I do appreciate Mastodon apps like Mona (formerly known as Spring for Twitter), Ice Cubes, Ivory (formerly known as Tweetbot), Phanpy, trunks, OpenVibe and etc, that have implemented fake quote post support, I dislike that I don't get notified when someone quotes a post of mine, using one of these apps.
When I quote people using my Friendica account, people (even Mastodon users!) do get a notification about this. Same happens when someone from Friendica quotes me: I get notified.
Wish we could have something similar like this, here, on Mastodon.
Even Bluesky and Threads have implemented that.
I miss quote feature from Twitter.
So I guess we gonna need to wait for Mastodon 4.4 to come out, since it has by idea, this feature well implemented.
Mam ciekawą (dla mnie) obserwację, odnośnie klawiatur na #android. Odnoszę wrażenie, że jest z nimi podobnie, jak z polityką - wybiera się tą, która mniej wkurwia.
Skąd takie wnioski? Odkąd mam telefony #pixel, a będzie to 3 lata, używałem klawiatury #gboard i uważałem, że jest wystarczająca, i nic więcej mi nie trzeba.
X lat wstecz używałem #swiftkey i miałem takie samo zdanie. Pixel wygrał z gboard, z moim lenistwem, bo sk nie przenosi danych z telefonu na telefon i nie chciało mi się go od nowa konfigurować.
W tym roku postanowiłem, że dam szanse sk i spróbuję ponownie, używając tejże klawiatury do wczoraj włącznie i od dziś południa ponownie, w przerwie mając gboard.
Wniosek po używaniu i przesiadce? Wybieram sk bo mniej rzeczy mnie w niej wkurwia aniżeli w gb . Nie uważam, że ma lepszą autokorektę bo jedna i druga potrafi zasadzić kwiatki, ale po ponownej zmianie sk na gb nie mogłem się odnaleźć z pewnymi gestami, których mi brakowało.
It always pains me that my favourite Android keyboard was #Microsoft #Swiftkey. I'd had it since before Microsoft acquired it.
I have just tried out #futokeyboard, it's open source. It's part of Futo that does a bunch of supposedly consumer focused apps like #grayjay and #immich. I believe #louisrossman is backing futo in some way?
Anyway the keyboard is really pretty good for what they are calling an alpha, has an optional on device voice typing model too, that I am yet to check out.
What keyboard are you using on your Android device?
(spoiler alert: this is a poll, for Bluesky users it's not possible to vote in)
(if you're an iOS user, I'll make the same poll for you, that poll is for Android users only)