You know you went too far when even Nigel disagrees.
"Donald Trump is giving Russia “far too much” ground in Ukraine peace talks, Nigel Farage has said."

You know you went too far when even Nigel disagrees.
"Donald Trump is giving Russia “far too much” ground in Ukraine peace talks, Nigel Farage has said."
#Inflation is not fun, but this tool was fun to use. But, it makes it look like steep inflation was unique to #Canada and was not mirrored #globally like in the #USA #UK #europe
#France and the #UK declared war on #Russia OTD in 1854, beginning the Crimean War
Hyundai and LG Explore Re-entering Russian Market Amid Ongoing War in Ukraine #Ukraine #USA #UK #EU #Europe #Czechia #Poland #Hyundai #LG #Lithuania #Latvia #Estonia #Germany #France #Austria #Hungary #Romania #Slovakia #Japan #Taiwan #Australia #Switzerland #Canada #Italy #Ireland #Netherlands #Finland #Sweden #Denmark #Iceland #Norway #Spain #NATO #RussiaIsATerroristState
Hit and Run in Derry
Hit and Run in Derry by ByGollie
#UnitedKingdom #UK #Europe #EU Belgium Set to Join Netherlands, Canada, France, Germany, Denmark, UK, and Finland in Updating New Travel Alert for US as Border Rules Tighten: What You Need to Know #belgium #BelgiumTravelNews #Canadá #CanadaTravelNews #Danmark #denmark #DenmarkTravelNews #finland #FinlandTravelNews #france #FranceTravelNews #germany #GermanyTravelNews #netherlands #NetherlandsTravelNews #TravelDestinationNews #TravelIndustry #TravelNews #UK #UnitedKingdomTravelNews #US
The #uk government’s cuts to #disability should be fiercely condemned. It’s unacceptable and cruel. They have another thing coming if they think other #news headlines in the #usa will keep their cuts out of the public eye.
Thailand, Myanmar, United Kingdom Urgent Travel Advisories Issued for Bangkok and Mandalay Following Earthquake and Aftershocks in Southeast Asia
Home » TRAVEL ALERT » Thailand, Myanmar, United Kingdom Urgent Travel Advisories Issued for Bangkok and Mandalay Following…
#UnitedKingdom #UK #Europe #EU
Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Ajahn Jayasāro
Give kind actions
Give kind speech
Give kind thoughts
Give your time
Give your knowledge
Give comfort
Give encouragement
Give feedback
Give respect
Give forgiveness
Give your truth,
humbly. — Ajahn Jayasāro
Explore more:
#nuke #castor #castortransport #atommull #gb #uk #germany #dontnuketheclimate #castorbehälter #atomtransport #alerta
"In #Nordenham werden die Behälter umgeladen auf Schienenwaggons, was mindestens einen Tag dauern wird. Ziel für den hochradioaktiven Atommüll ist dann das #Zwischenlager am #AKW Isar-2 in Niederbayern, eine unsichere Lagerhalle, wo der Abfall für unbestimmte Zeit abgestellt wird."
#nuke #castor #castortransport #atommull #gb #uk #germany #dontnuketheclimate #castorbehälter #atomtransport #alerta
"Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit hat gestern Abend gegen 20.00 Uhr das Atommüll-Transportschiff „Pacific Grebe“ den britischen Hafen Barrow-in-Furness verlassen und nimmt nun Kurs auf #Deutschland . An Bord befinden sich sieben CASTOR-Behälter mit hochaktivem Atommüll."
03/04 (J): Arrest warrants issued by the #UK #Brexit (C-743/24)
(O): National measures depriving a commercial radio station of the right to broadcast on a radio frequency #Hungary (C-92/23)
(O): Transcription of a same-sex marriage #Poland (C-713/23)
"University of Sussex taking legal action over £585,000 free speech fine"
From the #Guardian
the USA has cultivated an aura of competency over decades that rapidly disintegrates in front of our eyes right now.
so the CIA tried to use a "remote viewer" to find the Ark of the Covenant.
... around 2000.
Gee, maybe there was something else they could have spent resources on going on around that time?
(bonus: the article calls the source: "right-wing British outlet the Daily Mail")
Britain’s assisted dying debate turns toxic.
In a historic move last November, the House of Commons endorsed the second reading of a bill which aims to give terminally ill adults with fewer than six months to live help to die.
A fraught committee stage — and a raging online debate — have raised the temperature as UK lawmakers consider a historic plan. Harry Redknapp ‘makes Nazi-style salute’ and calls new England manager Thomas Tuchel ‘German spy’ #News #UK #UkNews #uknews #UnitedKingdom