#weaver #weaving #maker #handmade #sustainabledesign #hantverk #slowtextile #handcraft #sustainableyarn #reuse #reduce #recycle #handcrafted #handwoven #väv #reusereducerecycle #woventextiles #slowcraft #madeinsweden
#kitchendesign #rothko
Fairbanks food bank prepares Thanksgiving meals amid record community need https://www.diningandcooking.com/1878469/fairbanks-food-bank-prepares-thanksgiving-meals-amid-record-community-need/ #donation #FairbanksCommunityFoodBank #thanksgiving #ThanksgivingAppetizes #ThanksgivingDesserts #ThanksgivingFood #ThanksgivingRecipes #ThanksgivingSides #Turkey #volunteer #Weaver
Hey weavers, do you know where I can source really really really thin yarn? I want to weave things are like 48 epi or more for garment making and luddite street cred. I've found 60/2 silk yarn pretty easily, but I'm looking for cotton and wool (open to other natural fibers too) and thinking maybe there's some way to get textile industry deadstock yarn that would have been used with commercial air jet looms. I don't really know where to look and I feel like it's impossible for me to find anything on the internet at this point, so I'm hoping one of you wonderful people of the fediverse can help me. #weaving #weaver #weavers #yarn #textiles #textile #textileindustry
Sara El-Sayeh, an Offers & Needs Market (OANM) Facilitator, is organizing a series of OANMs in Egypt to support women refugees from #palestine, #Sudan, and #Syria to build community in and around the city of Cairo.
Please consider chipping in to the project’s crowdfunding campaign: https://gogetfunding.com/nourishing-networking-4-women/?mc_cid=3c8b82ca0e&mc_eid=UNIQID
Your gift will fund 3 OANMs, including meals and childcare.
Accident case - Union Hospital. Molla Mesuretta, 17 years. Weaver at Sagamore Mill. Worked two years. Laceration and partial evulsion of tip of finger and nail. Hurt September 1915 while cleaning loom in motion. "They all clean when the machine is going." She will always be handicapped. Not able to go back yet. Finger is tender. Nail split and finger tip cit to the quick. Wages $7.50; compensation $4.67. Finger that she needs most in weaving was hurt. Location: Fall River, Massachusetts
#MollaMesuretta #Weaver #Massachusetts #SagamoreMill #UnionHospital #FallRiver #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
Working Boys' Glee Club and Minstrel Group - King Philip Settlement - Walter Miller, 16 years, 812 Charles, works for father, a Painter; belongs to Junior Ball Team and Glee Club. James Conlon, 15 years, 679 Charles, Textile Tube Works - Tube Cutter. Harold Newman, 15 years, 910 Dwelly. Weaver at Osborn Mill. Location: Fall River, Massachusetts.
#WalterMiller #Painter #JuniorBallTeam #JamesConlon #679Charles #HaroldNewman #Weaver #OsbornMill #Massachusetts #FallRiver #theTextileTubeWorks #LewisHines #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
John Lewis (boy with hat) 12 years old. 1 year in mill. Weaver--4 looms. 40 cts. to start, 60 cents a day now. Brother and mother in mill. Morris Small (boy with cap) "Reckon I been in mill 2 yrs. Don't remember." Witness S.R. Hine. Location: Chester, South Carolina.
#JohnLewis #MorrisSmall #Reckon #Chester #SouthCarolina #Weaver #American #Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
: Magpie Bridge
: track bridge
: https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=53.2301073355404&mlon=-2.54125312876353#map=17/53.2301073355404/-2.54125312876353
: Photo by Paul of Congleton on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/33493932@N00/52522007337
#canal #river #narrowboat #barge #gongoozler #england #uk #flickr #may #2022 #northwich #hartford #weaver #cheshire #paths #fences #olympus #om4ti #35mm #kodak #ektachrome #slide #transparency #film