Happy #LetterboxdFriday everyone! https://boxd.it/1jkw5
This week went from "I want to scratch my eyes out" to "Nick Cage doing Nick Cage stuff".
Happy #LetterboxdFriday everyone! https://boxd.it/1jkw5
This week went from "I want to scratch my eyes out" to "Nick Cage doing Nick Cage stuff".
Heute vor 50 Jahren starb die #Schauspielerin #SusanHayward in #Hollywood. 1959 hatte sie den #Oscar als beste Hauptdarstellerin für ihre Rolle in »Laßt mich leben« gewonnen. Mehr zum #Film:
Ulrike Weckel, Mit Mitteln des Spielfilms gegen die #Todesstrafe. I Want to Live! (1958), #WerkstattGeschichte 85/2022, https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/muell/
Now rewatching:
'The One'
- directed by James Wong
- written by Glen Morgan, James Wong
- with Jet Li, Carla Gugino, Delroy Lindo, Jason Statham, James Morrison, Dylan Bruno, Richard Steinmetz...
#theone - #jameswong - #jetli - #rewatching - #rewatch - #nowwatching #firstwatch - #cinema #cinemastodon #film #filmastodon #movies #moviesmastodon - #letterboxd #trakt -
Night and the City (1950)
There's no drama or conflict on show here but the expressions on their faces tell a story anyway. The older woman is presumably giving advice to the younger? Doesn't mean the younger one is going to take it.
Here's the THU-THU, Mar 13-20 weekly Mastodon
) #WatchPartyCalendar in screencap form
Details & updates on LIVE calendar http://bit.ly/MastodonWatchParties ️All times Eastern (#StPatricksDay comin'
NEW: #Comedon
REACHER (s3) on #ActionMatinee (Sat)
#LeverageTV (Fri)
#scifi #Westerns #Comedy #Music #Mysteries #Action #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon
THX HOSTS @rsmon77 @MatthewTitus88 @MirrorAyako @Taweret @lilymarswrites @analgesicsleep @AnnOMalley @greenpepper22
#Cinema #Cinemastodon The insider (Black bag en VO)
Beaucoup de charme, un scénario classique mais efficace, plutôt bien joué.
Wollte neulich schon mit Lil Bro gehen, dieser kniff jedoch eingeschüchtert... Bin ganz froh darüber. Ich will nicht, dass die harte Realität seine zarte Seele zerbricht.
Der Film ist SEHR gut – was ihn unangenehm schlimm macht.
#109 - https://boxd.it/QzMM #2025MovieMarathon #Cinemastodon #Documentary #Movies #Music #Dance I got bored watching this.
Nice cast. Pitt, Bardem and Damson Idris who was amazing in Snowfall. If it's like Maverick it's gonna be fun.
#F1 #trailer #movie #movies #film #filmastodon #cinema #cinemastodon
Watch Mexican #cinema from the comfort of your own casa: https://cineenlinea.filmoteca.unam.mx/
#Movies are hosted on YouTube, so you could also go here: https://www.youtube.com/@FilmotecaUNAM
#108 - https://boxd.it/KQ3M #2025MovieMarathon #Cinemastodon #Oscars2025 #Drama #Movies #Dark Well, if you've seen any of the films from the annual EU Film Festival that come from the Nordic/Baltic countries you'll not be surprised at how dark and awful the subject matter is in this one. Well presented but damn, hard to watch.
#missionimpossible’s last insta post so: „Just another day at work, 2716 feet off the ground, for Ghost Protocol.“
But with Tom, it always looks like he's at an adventure playground, the first one there in the morning and the last kid there at night, who doesn't want to go home anymore.
#postproduction #london #filmedforimax #filming #behindthescenes #filmstudio #movies #filmisnotdead #hollywood #cinema #movie #MovieNews #cinemastodon #producer #actor #thefinalreckoning
Today, March 13, recent graduate and aspiring journalist Andrea "Andy" Sachs interviews to become a personal assistant to Miranda Priestly, the editor-in-chief of Runway magazine (The Devil Wears Prada, 2006)
Today, March 13, in 1941, newspapers report on the incredible flying elephant Dumbo, who sets a new altitude record and brings morale to the war effort (Dumbo, 1941)
#OnThisDay, March 13, in 2013, following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the papal conclave elected Pope Francis as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church (depicted in The Two Popes, 2019)
#Visionaries una docuserie producida y protagonizada por el gran Keanu Reeves. Deberían de checarla en #TheRokuChannel
#Xarliclub #movie #movies #cine #cinema #film #films #peli #pelis #pelicula #peliculas #tv #cinemastodon #filmsky #keanureeves
"#Parthenope représente une forme de consécration presque outrancièrement caricaturale du male gaze au cinéma (le film ne fait que passer son temps à filmer des hommes médiocres la dévorant des yeux), il serait en revanche contre-productif, voire de mauvaise foi, de la réduire à cette simple raison d’être." @julienlada notre Lillois préféré tente faire ressortir, malgré tout, les qualités du dernier film de Paolo Sorrentino.
#sortiescine #cinemastodon #Mastociné
Parthenope : Les soupirs de la sainte et les cris de la fée - Cinématraque