Installing the latest Dillo web browser in Debian - browsing the web democratically!
Installing the latest Dillo web browser in Debian - browsing the web democratically!
Oh no, my blog shows up in the Dillo like a
Looks like it's time to edit the CSS
So I feel like I finally made a hands-on contribution to a #FreeSoftware project:
I found out that #dillo in Arch Linux can't browse IPv6 sites as the support is not explicitly compiled in. Rather than discussing it here, I decided to go straight to the maintainer's repo with the fix.
I feel happy, even if a little silly for some reason. I never did a technical commentary like this before, and if it gets merged it's my first real contribution to a project!
@torgo @aepstein I'd refuse to use any machine where I can't use my prefered Browsers ( @torproject / #TorBrowser, #LynxBrowser, @dillo #dillo) or my prefered #search ( @monocles / #monoclesSearch / because it'll make it impossible for me to work!
New #Dillo plugin to display GNU Info pages available here:
References are easy to follow by clicking on the hyperlink to other info: pages.
@voxel personally, I despise @brave and I think it, @Vivaldi or any other #Chromium-#Fork|s are just bad to the point that I recommend using @torproject / #TorBrowser, @dillo / #dillo and #LynxBrowser over those.
I consider #Edge to be #Givware just like #MicrosoftOutlook which leaks all login details to #Microsoft!
@DavidBHimself personally I use @torproject / #TorBrowser as my main browser for quite some time and can highly recommend it.
Met de vreselijke teloorgang van Firefox in de afgelopen maanden vraag ik me nu af hoe goed Dillo browser het voor diverse websites zou doen ? Dillo is namelijk terug van weggeweest en weer in actieve ontwikkeling. Het zal niet goed bruikbaar zijn voor veel dingen vermoed ik, maar misschien wel geinig om even te testen. #dillo #webbrowser #opensource
@kajer @lo__ @mrmasterkeyboard because @torproject / #TorBrowser already does an excellent job and anything that doesn't work can,be done with @dillo / #dillo, #LynxBrowser, #ytdlp and #curl!
@vozercozer I use @torproject / #TorBrowser and #Lynx / #LynxBrowser and sometimes @dillo / #dillo...
After some fixes, #Dillo also builds and runs on Solaris 10 (released in 2005 and still maintained!).
See more pictures in the gallery:
It turns out I accidentally published my draft the other day. Oh well! Here is my little blurb on a little #browser called #Dillo
(you should follow them too on Fedi @dillo)
@dillo And here is the original #Dillo talk by Jorge Arellano Cid back in 2005:
#TinyCore #Linux is stunning. Here it is running successfully on a 1999 Sony VAIO with a single 333Mhz Celeron processor and 128Mb RAM.
Getting it booted was no effort; burn a CDROM and boot from it. Setting up wireless networking using an ancient D-Link branded WiFi USB dongle was a different story, but I got it working in the end.
That's the #Dillo browser running in the foreground!
Accessing mastodon on a low resource computer like the Raspberry Pi is painful. The web UI is bloated and apps are either equally unresponsive or very minimalistic.
The #dillo web browser however is incredibly fast and efficient but can't access mastodon as it doesn't support Javascript. So I'm experimenting with my little Dillo plugin in Python to access the API. It is very basic. It can't post or search, maybe it never will. But it even loads long threads in an instant. #permacomputing
Dillo 공식 계정인지 몰라도 마스토돈에도 계정이 있는 모양이다. 부스트·좋아요를 눌러주셨다. 근데 Dillo에서 마스토돈은 접속 안 되지 않나요? Can I use Dillo for Mastodon or BlueSky?
넷북에서 웹서핑 하기엔 dillo가 꽤나 쾌적한데, 자바스크립트를 아예 지원하지 않아서 소셜미디어에 못 들어가는 문제가 있다. 아치 위키나 AUR 훑어볼 수는 있기는 한데.