Remember Tumblr? We never forgot. And that's why we just launched crossposting for Tumblr. #automations #emails #queuing #isthisnichejokeabouttumblrtagsgonnaland
Remember Tumblr? We never forgot. And that's why we just launched crossposting for Tumblr. #automations #emails #queuing #isthisnichejokeabouttumblrtagsgonnaland
Loving the new #Darkmode of @thunderbird for #Emails. Pleasant on the eyes in the evening^^
Täglich kursieren neue #Betrugsmaschen, und eine der effektivsten ist #Phishing. Kriminelle locken ihre Opfer mit täuschend echt aussehenden #Emails, gefälschten #Webseiten oder raffinierten Anrufen in die Falle. Wer darauf hereinfällt, verliert oft Geld, persönliche #Daten oder sogar seine Identität. Doch anstatt Mitgefühl zu zeigen, machen sich einige Menschen über Phishing-Opfer lustig. Warum das so ist, erfährst du hier
Phlex for Rails Emails: Action Mailer Without ERB —
#HackerNews #Phlex #Rails #Emails #ActionMailer #ERB #Free #Coding DOGE doubles down on ‘What did you do last week’ emails — with a new requirement #DepartmentOfGovernmentEfficiency #doge #ElonMusk #emails #FederalGovernment #Musk #USNews
Federal workers hit with second wave of emails demanding job details
The Trump administration sent out a second round of emails on Friday evening demanding all federal employees summarize their work over the past week after the first effort fizzled amid a wave of confusing directives. Emails from...the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, were sent to multiple agencies,,,and asked workers to list five things they accomplished during the week.
I lost some #emails due to a problem with #Spamhaus and #Hetzner during the last few days.
So anyone running a #mailserver using those providers should better have a look at this and check their logs/configuration:
I have a bucketload of #Kindle books, so not closing my account. That said, I haven't actually purchased anything from an #Amazon-connected anything for several years.
#Unsubscribe from their #emails, or send them directly to your #spam bucket. Delete any #browser #bookmarks.
(BTW, I highly recommend the #VivaldiWebBrowser, which I've been using for awhile.
Aside from #blocking #trackers and #ads, my favorite #feature is a toggle to force #darkMode on every page.
Looks like it's going to be one heck of a day at work. We have a major outage with our software for majority of our customers that were upgraded last Thursday night and now today they aren't able to connect or get signed in.
Calls are going crazy as are emails. Let's hope this day ends quickly!
The deadline for #federalworkers to #resign & take the White House up on its deferred #resignation #ploy offer has been delayed again, pending the decision of federal judge in #Boston. In a hearing Monday, U.S. District Court Judge George O'Toole, a #BillClinton appointee said a temporary restraining order #TRO issued last week would stay in place until he makes a ruling on merits, Reuters reported. YEH Boston! #government #poitics #maga #doge #OPM #emails #corruption #IT #natsec #cybersecurity
It seems you can #download #books and magazines for free from the #internet, once you are big enough.
»details around the #torrenting were murky until yesterday, when #Meta's unredacted #emails were made public for the first time. The new evidence showed that Meta torrented "at least 81.7 #terabytes of data across multiple shadow libraries through the site Anna’s Archive, including at least 35.7 terabytes of data from Z-Library and #LibGen," the authors' court filing said. And "Meta also previously torrented 80.6 terabytes of data from LibGen."«
Senior USAid officials put on leave after denying access to #Musk’s #Doge team - "After standoff, Doge members gained control over access system, letting them lock out workers and read #emails" #murica has gone mad
#ElonMusk staff Have #Infiltrated Another #Government Agency - Elon Musk’s former employees are trying to use [are using] #WhiteHouse #credentials to access General Services Administration #GSA tech, giving them the potential to remote into #laptops, read #emails, and more, sources say. mass #cybercrime attack against the federal government #infosec this #cybersecurity breach by non government agents is a crime. the damage will be irreparable. fed staff locked out of work
The domain is a tenant address. It is the initial domain with which the tenant was created. This domain is also referred to as the MOERA (Microsoft Online Email Routing Address) domain.
However, this domain is never normally used to send emails. Therefore, it is a good idea to block all emails coming from any domain. These domains could be abused by attackers who register their own tenant for more credibility, but do not register a custom domain.
Watch my YouTube video bellow
I hate answering emails. But in our company we have a culture of talking to people with our first names. I receive a lot of emails where people call me by my family name. But in a way that they use it as a first name. It might be a German thing to understand what I mean.
And I love answering those #Emails now.
Hey, "sender's family name"
thanks for the info
Best regards
"My first name"
Maybe they feel as awkward as I did. Maybe they don't. But I keep giggling in writing these responses.
I hate answering #emails. I hate writing them and I hate keeping track of them. They feel like the worst part of #digitisation. It's like letters. But in a digital form....