Woke up from a whacky #dream.
It started off with me in a crowd watching a live version of #Cabaret starting Liza Minnelli on the stage. At some point, someone bumped me and I dropped a #ink #sample vial from #Goulet, but it was glass and the person for ink all over himself. But he was pretty chill about it, just a bit confused and grossed out by the mess.
Then, suddenly, I was in a bizarre classroom in #Russia. I have no idea why my brain decided it was Russia, as I know nothing about #school experiences there. Plus the first instructor was Latino? It seemed like we were a group visiting Russia as a class for cultural exchange program or something, as I wasn't the only person from USA.
It started off like there was an open hour with only weak rules. Some boys threw an iPhone to someone across the room and the instructor just issued a warning. I was surprised they didn't get into trouble. Then, different people were reading #English passages from a #textbook, but I apparently missed or couldn't understand the instructions on which page to turn to. When it got to my turn, I had to speak up and admit I had no idea what was going on. The pages in the book were random really complex material, including many different topics. I was told which page and line number to read, and it was gibberish! It was similar to "We were waits in the car was was v, y, u, z, but there many z, z, z, v, x's." Halfway through the #gibberish, the textbook started using curly font that made all the letters look like they might have been Greek letters that I didn't know. The instructor said, "Yes, there were many z's..." as if this was reasonable and he was moving on but tired but also secretly warning people not to laugh at me for taking so long to recite the passage.
Then suddenly everyone was doing a worksheet and the instructor was now a rude and expedient Russian lady who literally told the class that we were now behind schedule and had less time for the worksheet because I had taken too long. I fiddled around with the #fountainpens that magically appeared on my desk, trying to install the blue ink cartridge but getting ink all over my hand.
The worksheet was in #English, and essentially asked me to correct the sentences. But again, the sentences were so close to gibberish, that it was very difficult to know what to correct to make something coherent. To add to this, my pens were #leaking massively with the blue ink that somehow left splotchy red colors when it dried in the paper.
As people finished their worksheet, they quickly delivered the results to the front of the classroom despite never being given instructions to do so. Meanwhile I was on question 2, trying to figure out how to not get ink everywhere. Eventually I pulled my own pen out of my pocket and worked on, but at that point, when I turned back to the worksheet, my desk had not only meant ink #cartridges and pens, but now about 25 mini pencils rolling around on it, cluttering my work space.
Then I woke up. I'm not sure why my brain paired my new interest in fountain pens with my hate for inky mess and my discomfort at not being able to follow/understand instructions as quickly as others. It was very confusing, embarrassing, and awkward. People thought I was very dumb, which ironically is not a problem I remember experiencing, although maybe I am self-conscious about this happening anyway.