It's been too long since I re-read the #Lovecraft stories. Should I start with the well-known ones or the more obscure ones? Or should I read them in the order I originally encountered them?
It's been too long since I re-read the #Lovecraft stories. Should I start with the well-known ones or the more obscure ones? Or should I read them in the order I originally encountered them?
Meet Jennifer Bennet.
A serious and authoritative nurse working at Arkham Asylum in Choose Cthulhu Files: The Call of Cthulhu.
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Zoom sur des nouvelles images du "Livre des règles des miaulements d’Ulthar" !
Plongez dans un univers félin des Gardiens d'Ulthar et laissez-vous miauler.
"Je n'ai croisé le nom d'innsmouth dans aucun guide de voyage ! Une courte escale touristique s'impose absolument !"
Moui mais non alors carrément non
Personne ne lui a dit ?
Erik Kriek "L'Invisible et autres contes fantastiques".
Actes Sud / l'an 2
ISBN 9782330011994
The Magnus Archives: Miami
Tonight 9:00 pm ET
#Gaming #Lovecraft
Yeah after the disastrous dispute with their publisher who tried to steal the first part (see they are now working at part 2 of the super atmospheric Lovecraft game...
The sinking city .
Can't wait!!
This week on Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein we have a guest post:
The Multi-Dimensional Career of Weird Literature Editor and Book Designer David E. Schultz by Katherine Kerestman
Dark Green Cthulhu.
Modelling clay on metal wire, with removable 15mm. glass marble, 2025, cm. 17x9x7,5.
#lovecraft #lovecraftian #cthulhu #cthulhumythos #weirdart #weird #sculpture
Nouveau couteau !
Un pliant cran forcé de marin d'eau douce, lame pied de mouton en acier san mai suminagashi, manche en laiton gravé et ressort guilloché.
Celui ci m'accompagnera tous les midis pour déguster mes lentilles fraîchement pêchées, ou pour me défendre contre les hommes poissons (ce que j'espère éviter, surtout le lundi).
J'ai ajouté une photo trafiquée car j'adore la finition polie mais dans ce cas ça estompe les couches du suminagashi (33 par côté), qu'on ne voit donc pas ou peu sur les photos en lumière naturelle.
The new game The Mound: Omen of Cthulhu delivers co-op shooting with a touch of cosmic horror #COOP #HorrorGames #Lovecraft #gaming
The Sinking City 2 has revealed what awaits us in the flooded Arkham #Arkham #Lovecraft #horrorgame #MYSTERY #gaming
Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss will take us to the ocean depths next year #horrorgame #Lovecraft #gaming #indiegames
Un joli bouquin arrivé aujourd'hui : "Gou Tanabe x H. P. Lovecraft : Visions Hallucinées"
= le catalogue de l'exposition Gou Tanabe au festival de BD d'Angoulême.
Joseph Wright. The lawyer handling Professor Angell's affairs in Choose Cthulhu Files: The Call of Cthulhu.
Want to learn more about the game? Join our YouTube channel!
+ + + #Buchempfehlung + + +
H.P. Lovecraft - Traumfahrt zum unbekannten Kadath. Hobbit Presse 1980
Die Novelle von 1927 ist ein Meisterwerk der Traumliteratur. Anders als HPLs reine Horrorstorys ist sie angelehnt an episch-heroische #Fantasy im Stil Lord Dunsanys.
Eine verstörende Traumreise führt den Helden durch Unterwelten zum Gottdämon Nyarlathotep auf dem Berg Kadath. Er gerät in höchste Gefahr …
Für mich mit das Beste von #HPL!
2/2 I never send it to him and lost it while moving...
He made me understand people so much easier, so much more real, before that, I looked on people with confusion, not understanding why they acted so differently from what I thought was morally right.
He opened my eyes & to this day I am thankful for this.
Over 30 years later.
The other Book I come back to is an Audiobook I listen to almost every evening since my 16. birthday.
The Cthulhu Mythos by H.P. Lovecraft red by David Nathan. I don't like horror, I don't support Lovecrafts racism and I don't think that the Audiobooks whitewashed attempt of the "narrator Lovecraft" plea for redemption really has a basis in reality, but something about the Cthulhu Mythos world itself makes me feel cozy right at home...
What ever that says about me.
Just in case: I hate fascism, racism, sexism, ableism, genderism etc the only -ism I support is antifascism.
#ScribesAndMakers 06.03.25 #reading #writing #TerryPratchett #Lovecraft
Years on, my memory of #Fez is that it invokes a postive inversion of H.P. #Lovecraft's eldrich multiverse horror.
Lovecraft told us our world rested above a dark, terrifying, incomprehensible universe of madness. A single filament layer was all that divides us from an infinite scape of terror.
Fez presents a happy world and then reveals that there is more to explore, just beneath it, brimming over with color and music and people and mystery. And more beyond that, and so on, forever.
Today, it's leather magnet time ! I think I have now around 10 different designs but my bestsellers are (as often) mushrooms and Cthulhu ! :)
I'm currently making a lot of them for my next events and e-shop update. Which one is your favorite ?