@MonaApp @IceCubesApp That being said, I’m not so happy with how boosts look in #Mona. They kind of look like quotes, which they’re not.
Kind of strange there isn’t an option to change that, considering how customisable the app is.
@MonaApp @IceCubesApp That being said, I’m not so happy with how boosts look in #Mona. They kind of look like quotes, which they’re not.
Kind of strange there isn’t an option to change that, considering how customisable the app is.
Question for fellow #Mona users: How do you post a poll with more than two options? I tried doing it once and was unsuccessful.
@Aakerbeere @nikclayton @WirinBodenwerder Ich würde ja gern noch für iOS und macOS die #Mona App einfügen …
@WirinBodenwerder nachdem ich mich bezüglich iOS gerade noch umgehört habe, hier meine Vorschläge für #Mastodon:
iOS #Ivory
#Mona App
Im Browserunbedingt die Einstellung "erweitertes Webinterface verwenden" auswählen, dann sieht Mastodon im Browser wie das frühere "Tweetdeck" aus
Ok. I admit, #IceCubes comes close. Really good client. Looks nice. Lots of OOTB features. #FOSS. Just not as powerful or configurable as #Mona but props where props are due, fucking excellent job. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ice-cubes-for-mastodon/id6444915884
I’m using it separately as a #Pixelfed client for now. Because why not use two apps instead of one amiriteguyz?
The #icecubes iOS Mastodon client’s “compact” post setting actually results in MORE post padding and LARGER post entries on the timeline feed than if you turn it off. That experiment, too, concludes today.
Seriously, #Mona is still the client to beat. Nothing comes close.
Recipe for a good Masto client:
- don’t release buggy shit
- wrap post text inline
- don’t charge subs
- allow font changing and line height adjusting
- provide basic features up front: multiaccount, notifs
- responsive dev
Em sobta força que la majoria d'aplicacions client de Mastodon per a #iOS no et permeten el #registre d'un compte en el servidor de la teva elecció.
- #Icecubes
- #Ivory
- #Mammoth
- #Mast
- #Mastodon oficial
- #Mona (només pots triar els servidors de la seva llista)
- #Tusker
Quan tingui una estona miraré la situació a Android.
Okay, ich gebe Ivory noch eine Chance
Ich schrieb ja, dass ich mein Abo für Ivory nicht verlängert habe. Nun habe ich das doch noch getan.
@noondlyt @futurebird interesting. Do you use either #Mona or #Ivory ? Would you recommend them? I think I tried Ivory but hit a paywall before I was ready to pay anything.
@nurdersven Noch #ivory und versuche mich nebenbei immer wieder mal an #mona zu gewöhnen (auf iOS und macOS).
New question: Can drafts in #Mona only be saved to icloud and not to the phone. I hate icloud and that seems to be the issue. I recovered all of my drafts when I toggled the sync switch for mona in iphone settings. I can work around this but it would be nice if I didn't have to. Please do not tell me to get a different phone. I am constantly assessing my use of technology. #Enshittification https://hellions.cloud/@noondlyt/113937750191428969
This is an issue for which I would especially like a reply from #Mona users. If you have drafts, do you still have them in your drafts folder? Sometime in the last 4 days all of my drafts have been deleted. There has been no Mona update and there has been no iPhone update installed in the last four days. I need data.
Frage an die #iOS-Spezialisten:
Ich habe mein Passwort für #Mastodon gerade nicht parat und finde es nicht in der Passwort-App. Trotzdem klappt bei #icecubesapp und #mona der Login mit #Safari. Wo finde ich also diese Login-Daten?
Where can I access my mastodon content filters in @MonaApp ? Didn‘t find it. Can somebody help me?
#askfediverse #mona
@ericschutte Thanks for the tip. For now, I'm happy with #Mona. If Mona goes down the tubes, I'll check out #IceCubes