Some thoughts about candle magic
For years, my daily practice has looked like this:
Lighting two different candles or tea lights for two different causes and saying respective prayers. Then, after 15 to 20 minutes, I extinguish the flames because I cannot afford to let candles (or tea lights) burn completely down on a daily basis.
Also, I am a spoonie witch, so I cannot sit down each day and meditate for one hour or things like that. But even with low energy, I manage to light those candles and say a prayer. (And when I am not a home, I say those prayers in my mind, silently.)
These days, in an increasingly dystopian world, I started to light two more candles daily, for more causes and saying prayers. Along with that, I also light an incense stick (only one per day).
Today, the thought came to my mind that I could basically also light one large candle each day for a while, instead of all those small ones. And then say all those different prayers over that single candle.
I could also put the candle in a big glass container and glue or paint respective symbols or sigils on it, for all those causes.
One of these is a rather personal one, all the others are about or for other people, in support of them (for instance, a social justice topic).
So I guess it would make sense to have two candles: One for the personal matter, the other one combined for the other causes.