Time to book your train tickets for PGConf.DE 2025. Take advantage of our special Deutsche Bahn Ticket! Details on the venue page.

Time to book your train tickets for PGConf.DE 2025. Take advantage of our special Deutsche Bahn Ticket! Details on the venue page.
Is using postgresql overkill for a personal nextcloud instance with 1-2 casual users?
Palak Chaturvedi & Nitin Jadhav from Microsoft team up to co-present "Debugging Data Corruption in #PostgreSQL: A Systematic Approach" at #PosetteConf 2025 (Livestream 2 on Wed Jun 11th @ 11:00am CEST (UTC+2))
Learn more: https://posetteconf.com/2025/talks/debugging-data-corruption-in-postgresql-a-systematic-approach/
Seen in #PostgreSQL newsletter, plenty of good stuff:
Some I already use, like schemas and created/modified_at, some that I should test ("enum" table) and some that are good reminder like "give it a proper name" (and regulatory failed)
682 - Dos herramientas de bases de datos que tienes que conocer
#pgmanage y #rainfrog son dos espectaculares herramientas para gestionar tus bases de datos #postgresql de forma gráfica o directamente de la terminal
Antes que nada quiero aclarar que me estoy refiriendo a bases de datos como PostgreSQL y MariaDB, no confundir en ningún caso con otras cosas. Me es
#PostgreSQL Event Calendar, Reminder:
Talking Postgres with Claire Giordano / Ep 26 / guest Bruce Momjian
Date: 2025-04-02T17:00:00Z - 2025-04-02T18:30:00Z
ICS file: https://ics.postgresql.life/5vs4murioh5a7q8922so94pf18.ics
Branch is hiring Senior Software Engineer
#java #python #aws #kafka #postgresql #redis #seniorengineer
Denver, Colorado
Job details https://jobsfordevelopers.com/jobs/senior-software-engineer-at-branch-io-jan-16-2025-d750a8?utm_source=mastodon.world&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=posting
#jobalert #jobsearch #hiring
Red Gate, ein Hersteller von Datenbank-Tools (vielen vermutlich vor allem durch Flyway bekannt), hat mit pgNow ein kostenloses Tool zur Diagnose von #Postgres -Datenbanken veröffentlicht.
Hier ein Bericht über meine ersten Praxiserfahrungen in einer produktiven Umgebung:
Wir suchen #DBA. #teilzeit / #Vollzeit (nach Absprache).
Ort: Voll #Remote - wir haben kein Büro mehr - aber aus vertraglichen und rechtlichen Gründen muss der Arbeitsort innerhalb von .de liegen.
Selten (derzeit einmal im Jahr) eine Fahrt in die Gegend um Frankfurt/Main einzuplanen, Firmenevent.
Gutes Wissen mit/über/in #Oracle #Datenbank nötig. Je mehr dann auch noch von #PostgreSQL und ggf. #patroni bekannt ist, desto besser. Umgebung auf #linux.
#Festanstellung ist das Ziel, #Freischaffend ist weniger gern gesehen (ja, ich weiß, da gibt es auch viele gute).
Bei Interesse: DM an mich.
#fedihire #fedijob #oracle #postgresql
Boosts welcome.
Me 2 years ago: #Kubernetes is software with biggest regeneration ability.
Me 6 months ago: Wow, Longhorn has even better regeneration ability!
Me now: What the hell, Patroni has the best regeneration ability I have ever seen!
Welcome to our brave new world of self-fixing things...
Updated entry in #PostgreSQL Event Calendar:
Postgres Extensions Ecosystem Mini-Summit #2
Date: 2025-03-26T16:00:00Z - 2025-03-26T17:00:00Z
Location: https://meetu.ps/e/NWjdg/k17qn/i
ICS file: https://ics.postgresql.life/2comgin0hsabggcq87hgsf5k8icri2jmipcjogfvbjdivuf4rv4l4ttqhv.ics
Creating a lot Postgres roles with random passwords stored in gopass http://domm.plix.at/perl/2025_03_create_postgres_roles_with_gopass.html
#Perl #PostgreSQL
Es gibt bestimmt nichts (ent)spannenderes als einem
pg_restore: creating INDEX „public.activities.visibility_index“
zuzuschauen. Es passiert nämlich nix. Außer dass die zwei CPUs seit mehr als einer Stunde bei 99% herumlungern. Load average: 4.53 4.72 4.46.
#nerd #postgresql
New entry in #PostgreSQL Event Calendar:
PGConf NYC 2025
Date: 2025-09-29 - 2025-10-01
ICS file: https://ics.postgresql.life/7fb75cb0h84rac3267ihk2no5s.ics
@AzureDBPostgres customer Johannes Schuetzner will speak about "Fortifying Azure Database for #PostgreSQL: Stop Intrusions in Their Tracks" at #PosetteConf 2025 (Livestream 2 on Wed Jun 12th @ 10:30am CEST (UTC+2))
Find out more: https://posetteconf.com/speakers/johannes-schuetzner/
It is one year that we got the horrible news that Simon Riggs had a plane accident. He was a great person in the #PostgreSQL community. Rest in peace!
Updated entry in #PostgreSQL Event Calendar:
Talking Postgres with Claire Giordano / Ep27 / guest Peter Farkas
Date: 2025-05-07T17:00:00Z - 2025-05-07T18:30:00Z
ICS file: https://ics.postgresql.life/79tu9tbbr7qg756up43a7feclo.ics
Some thoughts on my preliminary investigation of #Omeka ( https://omeka.org/classic/docs/Installation/Installing/ ).
Built on pretty standard #LAMP stack.
No official docker image that I could find, so of course I built my own.
Which reminded me why I HATE php.
Some light testing (running locally).
Pretty simple to use (good).
No fancy ideas about creating "presentation" versions of items, and keeping the original upload "pristine". I am of two minds on this - for now, not a problem for me, but I can see how large archives might be problematic.
For example, a MOV file needs to be presented as a MP4 for widest audience. And you probably don't want to lose the original.
With Omeka that means some manual work on the admin side.
It support plugins and themes - I'm of two minds here also. Good way
to extend functionality and allow for customization, but my experience with such things are not good ito longterm stabililty and maintenance.
I'm also not super keen on #MySQL as the db, due to recent corruptions issues with my #Nextcloud instance (moved that to #PostgreSQL ).
BUT, this will be read heavy, so maybe not an issue - hard-ish to corrupt a db by reading from it.
The useage of #DublinCore at least means (I think) in theory, if I really want, I should be able to migrate to another Dublin Core compatible system if needed. So...good.
My verdict - I'm going to play with it some more.
Install some plugins etc, see what happens.
I'm also building up a test set of assets, in case I want to eval something else.
Glad you could join us for #PosetteConf 2025, Shinya Kato. Shinya will answer the question "Can We Use Rust to Develop Extensions for #PostgreSQL?" (Livestream 2 on Wed Jun 12th @ 10:00am CEST (UTC+2))