@Natanox @linuxnews
Das gibt es eigentlich in den #KDE #Systemeinstellungen schon, wenn die Distro sauber gearbeitet hat. Bei #openSUSE ist sogar #yast mit integriert.
@Natanox @linuxnews
Das gibt es eigentlich in den #KDE #Systemeinstellungen schon, wenn die Distro sauber gearbeitet hat. Bei #openSUSE ist sogar #yast mit integriert.
¡Descubre #openSUSE!
Esta distro #Linux es ideal para desarrolladores y sysadmins. ¿Sus ventajas? Estabilidad, personalización y #YaST, una herramienta potente para configuración del sistema. ¿Lo mejor? Su enfoque en software libre y su comunidad activa.
¡Anímate a probar openSUSE y lleva tu experiencia Linux al siguiente nivel!
Why make a new Linux installer?
* Anaconda is badly designed, bulky and has a very poor UX for both unattended installs (using Kickstart) and normal user installs. It is written in Python in an aging codebase, ported from Python 2 to 3, and has lots of legacy code from the 90s since the inception of the original Red Hat Linux. It also relies on the aging DNF 3 library, which will be replaced by DNF 5 in the near future.
* YaST is designed for SUSE and SUSE only, it also suffers from the same issues as Anaconda, with an extremely large and complex codebase for simply being a wrapper for various system utilities.
* Calamares' support for Fedora is very hacky, as it is simply a barebones installer framework. It also has issues with BTRFS installs and does not support our desired features such as homed.
#Linux #Calamares #YaST #Anaconda #Linux #Foss #OpenSource
Farewell, #YaST.
"YaST in maintenance mode […] replaced by #Agama, #Cockpit and #Ansible"
aus "Systems Management with SLES 16": https://www.suse.com/c/systems-management-with-suse-linux-enterprise-server-16/
Side note: YaST sowie die Popularität von #SUSE Linux im deutschsprachigen Raum Ende der 90er waren der Grund, warum ich meine ersten Linux-Gehversuche mit eben dieser Distribution gemacht habe.
#Yast war dann aber auch einer der Gründe, warum ich sie nach wenigen Monaten hinter mit gelassen habe, denn irgendwie harmonierten wir zwei nicht.
Quote from a #SUSE blog post about Systems Management with SLES 16:
"'#YaST in maintenance mode
With the development of #SLES 16, SUSE is putting YaST into maintenance mode. The installation and configuration tool YaST will continue to be fully supported as part of SLES 15. For SLES 16, some of YaST’s components are used as base of Agama, YaST as a tool is replaced by #Agama, #Cockpit and #Ansible."'
Say hello to #Myrlyn! Formerly #YQPkg, this new package management tool for #openSUSE offers a sleek, lightweight alternative to #YaST. Alpha is live for #Tumbleweed & #Slowroll users! https://news.opensuse.org/2024/12/20/new-pkg-mgmt-tool-debuts/
I start to like #yast on open suse. I was very easy to change the firewall zone for my local network.
YQPkg: A Modern, Qt-based Package Manager To Replace YaST In OpenSUSE #linux #linux_administration #linux_commands #opensource #opensuse #package_management #package_manager #qt #yast #yqpkg
YQPkg: A Modern, Qt-based Package Manager to Replace YaST in OpenSUSE #Yqpkg #Opensuse #Yast #Qt #PackageManager #Linux #Opensource
YQPkg is a new Qt-based GUI package management tool for openSUSE, an alternative to YaST, offering intuitive updates, installs, and dependency management.
Meet YQPkg: package management on #openSUSE! A lightweight, standalone #GUI alternative to #YaST, now in alpha. Try it out and help shape its evolution! https://news.opensuse.org/2024/12/20/new-pkg-mgmt-tool-debuts/
По моему скромному мнению #MicroOS, #Aeon и #Kalpa - это что может "сделать #OpenSUSE снова великим".
#Tumbleweed хорош, но не на столько чтоб однозначно выбирать его вместо той же фдоры или рача. И у TW я наблюдаю кризис идентичности, он больше выглядит как куча всего сляпанного вместе без видения цельного продукта.
И мне думается #yast уже пора на пенсию отправить.
openSUSE YaST | واجهة رسومية سهلة لإدارة النظام - إعادة النظام إلى حالة سابقة
استعراض وشرح أدوات YaST لإدارة توزيعات openSUSE، وتطبيقات عملية لإدارة جدار الحماية Firewall وإعادة النظام إلى حالة سابقة.
I'm yast installing the first Linux distro I've ever used; SuSE Linux 6.0. It took me a week to get X running back then on my 14' CRT. Really exited to see how this works out now.. Please make sure that CD number 3 is in your drive! ..and "Have a lot of fun..."
Unter #OpenSuse kann man #yast und #yast2 (Grafisch) dafür nutzen.
Ob andere #Linux #Distributionen auch so was haben weiß ich nicht...
Wenn es aber nur für einen User gelten soll wüsste ich mit #Suse und #IceWM auch nur nen händischen Weg und würde die "Befehlskolonne" im start-script von IceWM hinterlegen.
@topher yes, the regular #GUI #Installer of #OpenSUSE did provide you with that option, and it was basically very similar to the one used by #Windows98 and #WindowsXP but without #TUI unless you literally chose to use that.
Also #YaST is just #ChefsKiss...