A year ago I made some #technology industry related predictions for #Year2024. It is time to look back at those predictions and to see how well I did.
What do you think?
A year ago I made some #technology industry related predictions for #Year2024. It is time to look back at those predictions and to see how well I did.
What do you think?
De que nos serviu de fato ou servirá o ano que passou ? Foi ou será de fato reativada a luz na cruz dos túneis, nos tubos de óleo, nas postas de sombras cada vez mais fundas de horizontes ?
Luta-se, entanto luta-se, ainda que em vão. Dizem que o amor vence o que a psicologia desmente. Rir de ambos e de mais, e ir-se. Pensar dói.
What good did or will the past year do us? Has or will the light in the cross tunnels, in the oil pipes, in the ever-deeper shadows of the horizons be reactivated?
We fight, yet we fight, albeit in vain. They say that love conquers what psychology denies. Laugh at both and more, and go.Thinking hurts.
#year2024 #world #society #behavior #Politics #NATO #ONU #LIES #PEOPLE #AnimalFarmRevolutionrevisited #Thinkinghurts
Translated from Portuguese by DeepL.com
If you have any of these music artists on your own Top 20 for 2024, maybe post your own top 20 as a comment. That way we can maybe discover some new music from one another given some shared like :)
Time to look at my #top20 music artists from #Year2024 based on #lastfm:
1) #FutureFunkSquad
2) #JeanMichelJarre
3) #PhilWestern
4) #Front242
5) #Download
6) #MrLif
7) #Ketvector
8) #Aavikko
9) #SkinnyPuppy
10) #FrontLineAssembly
11) #Snog
12) #MeatBeatManifesto
13) #PublicEnemy
14) #GazelleTwin
15) #ArnaudRebotini
16) #AmonTobin
17) #Ulver
18) #Ginormous
19) #Liars
20) #HowToDestroyAngels
20) #KONE
Do you share any of these in your own Top 20?
2024 is almost over in my timezone, so I rushed to list the TV shows, movies, video games and concerts I enjoyed this year.
Please excuse me if it's messy and/or full of typos!
#Year2024 #successes:
The city of #SanDiego removed the old lines/poles and undergrounded the wires after starting the project 10 years after it was supposed to start.
I’m counting it. Fight me.
#Year2024 hasn’t been without it’s #successes:
I stopped doing speed.
Redesigned website.
I sold art work through high-touch contact on my website.
I’ve moved away from art prints to large canvas paintings.
Took part in several group shows & sold art at one opening night.
One group show at a gallery has yielded tbd one-man art show.
Reconnected w/ my youngest sister, wading through/defeating family lies to get to the truth.
Started designing coffee table book of work.
My kittens turned one!
If you're wanting to discuss a particular year, you might have noticed that number-only hashtags don't work on here.
To get round this, a lot of people use the word "year" before the number, for example #Year2024 or #Year2025
(By the way, there is a discussion about this issue on Mastodon's Github page at https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/9709)
As it's the end of 2024, I've done a playlist of some nice interesting videos published on PeerTube this year. You can watch the playlist at:
By the way, this is just a small selection! There are many, many more nice videos out there
- If viewing on mobile, swipe first two titles to see rest of list.
- If viewing on desktop, scroll through titles on right of screen.
- If viewing embedded, click or
to skip to next or previous video.
My personal recap of 2024
Progression with HortusFox, big update of Casual Desktop Game, relaunching Steamwidgets and making AquaShell productive.
Read more here:
2024 - me
I did this, sort of a year end greeting card. It's my first linocut. It was really fun!! I'm going to do more block printing in the future.
Sometimes I think we live in especially horrific times but maybe it's more that I had hoped we humans were better than this by now and it turns out we aren't (yet). I still have to go to work and buy groceries and cut my hair. I've been more conscious of Love this year.
#art #linocut #Year2024 #KaliMa #posada #genocide @art #disappointment
@UKFDrumandBass Best of Drum & Bass 2024 #Mix
#UKFDrumAndBass #UKF #dnb #drumnbass #drumandbass #drumandbassmusic #year2024 #ElectronicMusic #Electronic #ElectronicDanceMusic #DanceMusic #EDM
#Music @drumandbass
@electronicmusic @music@a.gup.pe @music@newsmast.community
A Successful Rewilding Project Resulted in a 116-fold Increase of Bumblebees
Never Waste a Good Crisis to Undermine Democracy
How Eye-Catching Photography Keeps the Climate Crisis in the News
There is still a month left, but what's the game released in 2024 that you enjoyed the most so far?
#gaming #year2024 #bestgame #linuxgaming
On COP29, Those 300 billion Dollars and the Lack of Real Climate Action