More on this remarkable woman: "Real Ukrainians: Tata Kepler," #СлаваУкраїні

More on this remarkable woman: "Real Ukrainians: Tata Kepler," #СлаваУкраїні
Maybe Vance should think about the kids in #Ukraine he's endangering #СлаваУкраїні
I have just witnessed live, Elon Musk threatening a #Polish #politician , the Minister of International relations Because he as saying that Poland was paying for Ukraine's access to Starlink He said: "BE QUIET SMALL MAN" #europe hey, do we wake up, or we let them do? #ukraine #ua #СлаваУкраїні !
#motto #latin #linguistics #standupforsciences
of #Canada : A Mari Usque Ad Mare
of #Europe : In Varietate Concordia
Together: In Varietate Concordia A Mari Usque Ad Mare Harmony in diversity, from one ocean to the other
Harmonie dans la diversité d'une rive à l'autre des océans
Harmonie in der Vielfalt, von einem Ozean zum anderen
Harmonie in verscheidenheid, van de ene oceaan tot de andere
Harmonia w różnorodności, od jednego oceanu do drugiego
Harmonie v rozmanitosti, od jednoho oceánu k druhému
Harmonija v raznolikosti, od enega oceana do drugega
Armonía en la diversidad, de un océano a otro
Armonia nella diversità da un oceano all'altro
Harmonia na diversidade de um oceano a outro
Armonie în diversitate, de la un ocean la altul
Αρμονία στη διαφορετικότητα, από τον έναν ωκεανό στον άλλο
Harmoni i diversitet, fra hav til hav
Harmoni i mångfald, från ett hav till ett annat
Rauhan monimuotoisuudessa yhdestä valtamereltä toiseen
Хармония в многообразието, от един океан до друг
Гармонія у різноманітності від одного океану до іншого
#elbowsup !
#СлаваУкраїні !
#europe #canada #peace #unity #diversity #calm #serenity #understanding #communication #facts #values #dialogue #science
#motto #latin #linguistics #standupforsciences
of #Canada : A Mari Usque Ad Mare
of #Europe : In Varietate Concordia
Together: In Varietate Concordia A Mari Usque Ad Mare Harmony in diversity, from one ocean to the other
Harmonie dans la diversité d'une rive à l'autre des océans
Harmonie in der Vielfalt, von einem Ozean zum anderen
Harmonie in verscheidenheid, van de ene oceaan tot de andere
Harmonia w różnorodności, od jednego oceanu do drugiego
Harmonie v rozmanitosti, od jednoho oceánu k druhému
Harmonija v raznolikosti, od enega oceana do drugega
Armonía en la diversidad, de un océano a otro
Armonia nella diversità da un oceano all'altro
Harmonia na diversidade de um oceano a outro
Armonie în diversitate, de la un ocean la altul
Αρμονία στη διαφορετικότητα, από τον έναν ωκεανό στον άλλο
Harmoni i diversitet, fra hav til hav
Harmoni i mångfald, från ett hav till ett annat
Rauhan monimuotoisuudessa yhdestä valtamereltä toiseen
Хармония в многообразието, от един океан до друг
Гармонія у різноманітності від одного океану до іншого
#europe #canada #peace #unity #diversity
#elbowsup !
#СлаваУкраїні !
#europe #canada #peace #unity #diversity #calm #serenity #understanding #communication #facts #values #dialogue #science
staying in the hotel. Volunteers from Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Not military. Humanitarian volunteers.
Earlier this week Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX-30) accurately described Donald Trump as "Putin's Ho".
Rep. Crockett is not intimidated by MAGA or DOGE and isn't afraid to stick it to them.
The dirt Putin has on Trump must be so horrific that the endless characterizations of him as "Putin's hoe" are worth all of the name calling.
#DonaldTrump #StoogeOfPutin #TrumpIsARussianAsset #VladimirPutin #ClayBennett #ТрампПутинскийПудель #ВладимирПутин #ДобейПутина #ПутинХуйло #путлер #АгрессивнаяВойнаРоссии #USPolitics #MAGA #СлаваУкраїні
Another blog post: "Conscription, Industrial Mobilization, and the Russo-Ukrainian War" (, in which I briefly ponder a possible commonality across Russia, Ukraine, and Ukraine's allies.
#RussoUkrainianWar #RussiaIsATerroristState #ПутінІдиНахуй #СлаваУкраїні
In case you missed the Saturday Night Live treatment of Trump's Oval Office debacle.
#DonaldTrump #MAGA #SNL #SaturdayNightLive #JDVance #ElonMusk #BigBalls #DOGE #satire #VolodymyrZelenskyy #OvalOffice
#TrumpIsARussianStooge #ДональдТрамп #ТрампПутинскийПудель #ВладимирПутин #ПутинХуйло
#ПутинаВГаагу #ВолодимирЗеленський
After recent display of the USA’s diplomacy, Norwegian tanker company Haltbakk Bunkers refuses to serve Americans, “not a liter will be delivered until Trump is finished”.
Strategically it’s probably minimal impact, it’s a single private company, but:
a) it’s catchy, and other companies might follow suit,
b) shows Americans how they’re perceived abroad & that their leaders’ actions have consequences.
Das ist wohl etwas was vielen entgeht, hätte Zelensky kapitulieren wollen, wäre er kaum in die USA geflogen, sondern nach Moskau
The cost of payrolling US politicians must be more crippling for Russia than the cost of funding its campaign of rape, murder, and torture in Ukraine.
#Ukraine #GlorytoUkraine! #СлаваУкраїні #SlavaUkraini
I see that from now on we need more than just warm words of shocked #solidarity.
Please let us all #donate here for #Ukraine. It is about our #existence across #Europe, and sooner rather than later:
options to donate for
- #Defense
- Humanitarian #Demining
- #MedicalAid
- #RebuildUkraine
- Education and Science
#StandWithUkraine #Selenskyy #YouAreNotAlone #SlavaUkraini #СлаваУкраїні!
#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopPutin