Your regular reminder that Melon doesn’t run SpaceX. Gwynne runs SpaceX, and thank God or the rockets wouldn’t fly.
He didn’t found Tesla. He bought it and put his name on it.
He hyped a hyperloop to take CA $$ and stop high speed rail from happening.
He’s perfected the Seagull School of Management: fly in, shit all over everything, and leave.
He’s no businessman, no engineer. Just an entitled, rich troll.
@cyberlyra Thank you for reminding everybody that he's a prat with more money than he knows what to with and likes to steal other peoples credit. I'm convinced each of his companies has a small Elon containment department. A handfull of people who's whole job it is to keep him out of things and keep the damage to a minimum when he does show up.
@gilgwath He's definitely more of an Edison than a Tesla....
@gnate @gilgwath @cyberlyra He's our Henry Ford (Ford also bought a media company to publish racist and antisemitic propoganda, wanted to build his own little empire in the middle of nowhere, and failed to update his own product line in the face of increasing competition).
@gilgwath I also am convinced of this. Twitter didn't have anything like that when he took it over; as a result it descended into utter chaos pretty much immediately.