Your website makes clear – right on the front page – this is certainly just a big misunderstanding:
@mray I think theý had this for years now, opt-out, done.
@chris Sure. It is one click. One would assume a browser that boasts its privacy stance would OPT IN, though - no? (it is embarrassing that it is there in the first place imho)
@mray they were using a third party tracking service for some other companies ad some while ago.
@mray It's about consent. If I have to click on it to track, then it isn't an issue in my opinion. The other companies are tracking without users consent.
@Sibshops I might be wrong, but I think I never asked for those "shortcuts" to be there. I think this is an opt out - not opt in. Would *love* to learn to be wrong about it, though.
@mray Naw, you aren't wrong. I'm just saying it's compatible with their privacy policy. They aren't doing any shady or backdoor tracking like chrome or edge. The link is clearly labeled as a sponsored link and the tracking info is visible on a mouse over.
@mray That’s less to track you *on the site* to Mozilla but to track your visit to the ad department so Mozilla gets payed.
Everyone wants Mozilla to reduce its dependence on Google but everything they try leads to a shitstorm.
@mozilla - yeah, can you please not? :(
@mray anyone have a link to an easy tutorial to disable these? i’m not sure how to get to this panel…
@mray the word Sponsored makes it pretty clear to me that this is an add.