Using #vim is easy once you learn a few basic keybindings.
h and l - move left and right
j and k - move down and up
η and λ - move backwards and forwards through time
ξ and κ - translation through additional temporal dimension (if applicable)
ᚻ, ᛄ, ᚳ and ᛚ - moving left, down, up, and right through celestial spheres
𐤄 and 𐤋 - switch deity to pantheon member to left or right
𐤉 - supplicate to chosen deity
𐤊 - challenge chosen deity (dangerous)
:q - exit
@ids1024 I love the paleo-hebrew letter in there
@Doktor_S Paleo-Hebrew or Phonetician, which are basically the same alphabet (and apparently have to share the Phoenician Unicode block).
Not the most well known writing system, but it's where our modern alphabets (𐤀𐤁) come from.