Hey, anarchist instances?
You can close registrations for a day or so to go through new accounts and deal with suspicious ones. And you should.
That's not un-anarchist to take time to deal with your spaces before admitting new folks. It's actually helpful to keep people safe and your community healthy.
There's a few too many folks wandering about and quacking about how that's "too authoritarian" or "too controlling."
And like. Idk, it's bad enough we're going to be dealing with the "anarchist" grifters and known abusive elements (who keep getting protection ~somehow~).
And those are harder to deal with when you're also dealing with fake accounts trying to run scams on your community.
This also just... comes to mind because I keep seeing similar issues to the ones I saw *before*. Which really frustrates me because, should some spaces decide to not take some time to do things like this... for obvious reasons of the potential consequences.
(Also, open registration is fine, and I have little issue with it. Though I think open-but-moderated registration is a better model, even if it is more work and time... but also just that aspect of having to wait detours negative shit.)
@whatanerd When I moderated a rave forum which got *very* popular across Europe in mid 2000s/early 2010s although we had open reg, there was regular checking of new users, and IP addresses used by both lurkers and users.
We discovered *5 countries* worth of cops/feds, and several mainstream journalists (from places that would not be friendly towards the rave scene).