I was #driving on a #motorway though #stormy #weather today and, at midday, it was so dark that it felt like the Sun had already set. Most drivers were using their lights, and rightly so. However, there is always a significant minority of drivers who refuse to turn on their #RearLights in such conditions. They become virtually invisible in heavy rain from behind.
#UK (1/2)
Most #cars these days have #RunningLights in the front these days but I don’t think there’s a requirement for having red rear running lights and some seem to think that that somehow magically makes them visible from behind.
#UK (2/2)
@mkwadee I was always taught in driving school if was dark (even during daytime) to turn on dipped headlights (also the dashboard goes dim on my car when its dark, there's some kind of sensor that is used to nudge you into turning the lights on)
@MikeFromLFE @vfrmedia Yes, it's the over-reliance on automation which is to blame I think. Meanwhile the drivers seem oblivious that they're a menace to themselves and to others.
@mkwadee @MikeFromLFE it seems a lot of cars with automatic lights (particularly Japanese models) can turn on the dipped headlights but *not* the rear lights which is adding to the risks (as folk don't seem to check their cars capabilities after they get them)