Bizzare #vandalism - someone has taken the effort to climb a light column on #pedestrian refuge in middle of the village and obscure keep left #sign with grey paint (they have also done the same to smaller sign on the #bollard, can't be seen in photo due to darkness). Seems more sociopathic than normal #graffiti (maybe someone pissed off the refuge is there in first place, it discourages speeding through the village, or angry that the local Speedwatch have put up a camera nearby?) #Suffolk
@vfrmedia Keep left is also a political statement, no?
@dajb they might have thought the sign was too "woke" (also as it dared to make drivers obey traffic laws)
@vfrmedia Utter madness
@dajb its the main street in the village, with 24/7 live traffic - the sign is several metres above ground, you would need a ladder and it looks like the paint used by workers to obscure redundant/misleading signs during roadbuilding schemes.
I'd even suspect a disgruntled employee from the big depot up the road which does this kind of stuff (which makes you wonder what *else* he is planning on sabotaging?)
@InsertUser @dajb had a look on and there doesn't seem to be anything shown for that area (also there is usually an advance warning sign put up before any of the work happens)