#Hyperfocus tractors:
Japanese compact tractors are plenty powerful for their size. Lighter weight may be an issue, but also a boon on softer ground.
Their 3PH is incompatible (smaller)
No cab - it'll only get in the way.
Parts availability good except for Mitsubishi.
Most come with a rotavator, useful.
Frontloader would be nice, but too pricey.
New China ones not as good (except Dong Feng) and cost more.
MTZ/LTZ don't compare well considering restoration needed.
The Farmtrac from the bottom is an amazing deal, but we probably don't need all those attachments.
The Iseki TG29 with front loader would be perfect, but ouch money.
So we'll probably go for one of the green marked ones from the top, with a rotavator. Next Vilnius trip we'll check out the used import dealer parking lot there.
Front loader might be retrofitted or swap vehicle later if we really need it.
For now we really need to tow some damn trailers.
Most farms/homesteads I know have some kind of quad for towing/hauling, and general running about the property. Maybe that’s a good addition at first, then the ag machine later.
@wedge Those things are mostly used for (annoying) kids entertainment and we don't have a trailer small enough for them, while we do have three big trailers for a tractor :)
Plus, they cost more than a tractor, being toys. And have sucky petrol engines that go bad after a few years, so there's no good used ones, despite the ridiculous prices. I've been thoroughly warned away from them.
The trailers I understand.
But a machine shouldn’t turn you into an annoying kid.
Then again, mobile phones have successfully done that to billions of adults.
Mr. Chickadee has something like this, similar style, and pulls trees with it using a log hauler.
@wedge That thing won't even get up our steep forest road without a trailer, lacks ground clearance and has a car trailer tow ball - we've got rings. It might work for his land, it wouldn't for ours.
But I checked, there aren't any available here :)
@wedge Well, not quite true, someone built one: https://en.autoplius.lt/ads/kita-kita-2300cc-atv-quad-27204229.html