| #4M #MusicMonday
https://thedogladysden.com/eerie-sundaystills-photography-set-to-music/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon by @DebbieDoglady #dogladysden
#SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography #WW #MusicMonday #4M https://thedogladysden.com/red-white-blue-sundaystills-photography-ww-musicmonday/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon by @DebbieDoglady #dogladysden
#SundayStills (On a Monday) #Photography #WW #MusicMonday #4M https://thedogladysden.com/red-white-blue-sundaystills-photography-ww-musicmonday/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon by @DebbieDoglady #dogladysden
أهمية كشف شركة #أبل عن نموذجها للذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي4M،متعدد الاستخدامات قادر على معالجة وتوليد المحتوى عبر بمختلف الطرق وأيضا إتاحته للاستخدام للجمهور يشير إلى تغير في ثقافة السرية .مع
تحيات #نايلةالصليبي
#4M Hay problemas occidentales ...
...y hay PROBLEMAS causados por occidente
PD. ya sé q no es de muy buen gusto lo que comento conjuntamente.
RF section of a Motorola MC Micro for the 66-88MHz band.
This unit in particular needs some work before being put on the 4m band, due to it not actually working at the moment.
Spent a good five hours attempting to fix my Sirio CX4-71 4m antenna. It's still playing up. This is me thinking out loud...
I took it down and checked for water. Cleaned off the corrosion between the sections and made sure the drain holes were clear. Coax tested fine and checked the plugs and changed both anyway. Then put it back on the mast and it's still got a high SWR. The mast isn't grounded but never has been. The radio is.
The only thing I have not done is retune the antenna as it was 1:1 before it went weird. That and recheck the coax with a dummy load on the end while giving it a wiggle and/or swapping the coax out completely. There might be a break somewhere.
It's a pain to lower the mast as there is so much other stuff attached to it.
Any other easy to check ideas also welcome.
El empacho.
Viñeta vía http://patreon.com/ferranmartin
#4M #madrid #viñeta
Ironías fascistas.
Viñeta vía http://patreon.com/ferranmartin
#fascistas #ironía #fascismo #4M #almeida
Democracia o ayusadas.#4M