does anyone happen to have aw2a wear os 5 factory images for r11btwifi lying around, google pulled it and i want a look
#android #androidwear
does anyone happen to have aw2a wear os 5 factory images for r11btwifi lying around, google pulled it and i want a look
#android #androidwear
New review time, as I test out the Google Pixel Watch 3 45mm!
#PixelWatch3 #Google #Smartwatch #AndroidWear
In anticipation of my Pixel Watch 3 arriving soon, I've spent the past week porting my Freestyle Libre CGM app from the Fitbit Watch SDK to Android Wear OS.
This new version of the app scrapes the latest glucose reading from Freestyle's LibreLinkUp server every 15 minutes and stores it in Google HealthConnect to make the data available to other apps on Android, such as Google Fit and Fitbit.
The app also provides a complication and a tile for Android Wear OS 3.x+ to display the current reading and trend arrow.
I'm waiting to publish a release until I've tested on a real watch, but in the meantime the work-in-progress source is available on GitHub:
My #PineTime smart watch suddenly stopped working last year (not expensive, but not high quality either). Now I can't decide between buying
an open-source #BangleJS that has more features, supports apps and is easily programmable, but also costs much more and could turn out to be low-quality too,
a high-quality #AndroidWear watch that has all features imaginable but isn't supported by #MicroG. Flashing #AsteroidOS could break some functionality & the “ease-of-use”.
What should I buy?
Tu mesures la pertinence d'une #smartwatch (que j'ai fait la gaffe d'acheter, en passant) quand...
... ça prend une demi-seconde avant que le chrono démarre.
... l'écran s'éteint et que t'es incapable de presser le bouton d'arrêt quand tu dois stopper le chrono.
... tu essaies de répondre à un SMS en tapant sur un clavier gros comme une pièce de 2 dollars
... tu avais oublié de la mettre en sourdine et que tu reçois une belle alerte en meeting.
... etc.
Prossimo passo provare a sideloadare l'app, intanto da #SamsungBrowser funziona
Qualcomm launches its new smartwatch chips - Qualcomm today announced the launch of its new Snapdragon Wear platforms for wearables, the Snapdra... more: #smartwatches #androidwear #hardware #qualcomm #tc
Die #AndroidWear Einrichtung unter #iOS ist ja schon ganz knuffig, oder?
How to Sideload Apps to Android Wear #androidwear
Samsung Galaxy Watch vs. TicWatch Pro: Which should you buy? #androidwear
U.S. Military bans GPS-enabled fitness trackers #BigBrotherisWatchingYou #AndroidWear #applewatch #USMiltary #Fitbit #Garmin #strava #Post #army #gps