Social progress is simply the progressive education and enlightenment of the public mind in regard to its immediate and distant social problems. --Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) #EconomicHappinessMachine #uniparty #fakenews #misinformation #disinformation #propaganda
Public opinion was made or changed formerly by tribal chiefs, by kings, by religious leaders. Today the privilege of attempting to sway public opinion is everyone's. It is one of the manifestations of democracy that any one may try to convince others and to assume leadership on behalf of his own thesis. --Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) #EconomicHappinessMachine #uniparty #fakenews #misinformation #disinformation #propaganda
The great enemy of any attempt to change men's habits is inertia. Civilization is limited by inertia. --Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) #EconomicHappinessMachine #uniparty #fakenews #misinformation #disinformation #propaganda
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"Apollo News" ist ein rechtsradikales Hetzblatt, gegen das selbst die BLUT gemäßigt scheint.
Das hat sie also so nie gesagt. #FakeNews
The normal school should provide for the training of the educator to make him realize that his is a twofold job: education as a teacher and education as a propagandist. --Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) #EconomicHappinessMachine #uniparty #fakenews #misinformation #disinformation #propaganda
The whole basis of successful propaganda is to have an objective and then to endeavor to arrive at it through an exact knowledge of the public and modifying circumstances to manipulate and sway that public. --Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) #EconomicHappinessMachine #uniparty #fakenews #misinformation #disinformation #propaganda
If a politician is a real leader he will be able, by the skillful use of propaganda, to lead the people, instead of following the people by means of the clumsy instrument of trial and error. --Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) #EconomicHappinessMachine #uniparty #fakenews #misinformation #disinformation #propaganda
Immigration is not the problem. Misinformation fueled by hate is.
"An Garda Siochana and CSO figures show that no causal link between immigration and any form of crime or delinquency has ever been recorded in Ireland. What they do show is a 12% uptick in hate crimes between 2022 and 2023, and a massive surge in misinformation surrounding migrants and criminality." #HateSpeech #FakeNews #immigration #FarRight #dogwhistle #misinformation #mastodaoine
Kürzlich war ich zu Gast eingeladen im Videocast des nigerianischen IT Influencers Abdullahi Abubakar, um mich mit ihm über die Besonderheiten und Herausforderungen von #Cybersecurity und #KI in #Afrika auszutauschen.
Zwar sind die Herausforderungen einerseits ähnlich wie in der EU, so zB mit Blick auf #Fakenews, andererseits wird KI eingesetzt für medizinische Behandlungen in abgelegenen Gebieten, in der Landwirtschaft und auch für den Zugang zu Unterrichtsmaterialien:
But even supposing that a certain propaganda is untrue or dishonest, we cannot on that account reject the methods of propaganda as such. For propaganda in some form will always be used where leaders need to appeal to their constituencies. --Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) #EconomicHappinessMachine #uniparty #fakenews #misinformation #disinformation #propaganda