Neuer Beitrag auf unserer Webseite: "Höchste Branchenauszeichnung: Voltron Nevera mit renommiertem TEA Thea Award ausgezeichnet" | | #Ausflugsziele #Deutschland #Europa #Freizeitparks #Auszeichnung #BadenWrttemberg #EuropaPark #Rust #Schwarzwald #TEATheaAward #Voltron
Xee: A Modern XPath and XSLT Engine in Rust via @wezm #rust
wasmVision 0.3.0 is out! We have some exiting new features for you such as MCP server support, and experimental GPU acceleration for vision models. Performance and stability improvements too. Go get it right now!
#wasm #computervision #opencv #golang #tinygo #rust #clang #mcp #cuda
It seems the new #Ryzen laptop CPUs come with 3 performance cores and 5 efficiency cores. For daily business tasks, this probably helps save battery. But what if a laptop is used for #Rust compiling 4 to 6 hours a day? Would the older Ryzen with 8 strong cores perform better than the new Ryzen's 3P+5E core strategy?
#cpu #amd #intel
Surprisingly easy time yanking dynamic dispatch out of my url-shortener project just now.
Is it me or does it seem a bit nuts to introduce dynamic dispatch to _everything touching the data access layer_ in order to be able to mock it for testing?
I mean I suppose you're hitting a networking or I/O boundary there anyways in most cases...
And it doesn't work on the server. I'm getting failures to send on all the stuff that worked on localnet.
I'm useless for today, I've begged both #Rust Discord for help and been very much ignored and banged my head against GPT that has tried and failed to help.
I can't begin to describe how like crap I feel right now - this morning I was *done* with probably the only interesting thing I might have ever done.
And now just reading from a TCP port is a show stopper and nothing works.
Just released the 0.34.0
version of the Rust sysinfo
crate used to get system information.
It comes with a lot of bugfixes, improvements and new features.
The full list is available here.
Building a CoAP application on Ariel OS
I am annoyed at a library for writing Rust in German[1] which suddenly got popular (a friend who doesn’t even write Rust found it) (even though it’s been out for a while, and is a fork of the same idea, but in French[2]), because I think the person making it either didn’t put much thought into it or just doesn’t actually speak German (the GitHub user has a German name and claims to be located in Germany, so probably not).
#rust #german
The latest Linux kernel has arrived with extra Rust support and more
#Linux #kernel #Rust #GhostWire #sucurity #Wine #NTSYNC
Hey Fedi: Can you recommend some rust crates for the terminal?
I’m looking for …
@n0iroh at may be an interesting #p2p case study for you. #iroh is in turn used by @delta for instance.
You can read more on how #DeltaChat use iroh in their blog post at:
Iroh's programming language used is #Rust though, but via the #WebAssembly support it may be usable in the languages you mention, but I am not sure.
New Rust askama
crate 0.13.0
just got released!
You can see the full changelog here.
This also marks the end of the rinja
crates which got merged back into askama
. For more information about it: page:
"Hyperlight-Wasm - Run #Wasm Modules in a Virtual Machine backed sandbox"