A visitor yesterday who went away with a dozen assorted bare root trees (and a book) in the back of her car to plant in her five acres (not the book...)
The banana loaf she brought with her.
Public libraries (and those who work in them).
A visitor yesterday who went away with a dozen assorted bare root trees (and a book) in the back of her car to plant in her five acres (not the book...)
The banana loaf she brought with her.
Public libraries (and those who work in them).
1. Got some decent baklava & marzipan from a London deli when M. came back, so this morning's coffee is Mega Dope
2. Talking about A Problem with someone and I'm feeling less alone about it
3. The bulbs I planted in the winter are now growing outside my kitchen window, so we might get some flowers even this year
#ThreeGoodThings #3GoodThings @3goodthings@fedigroups.social @3goodthings@a.gup.pe
- was one of those beautiful autumn days, cool at night, still and sunny during the day (especially welcome after 2 cold wet days)
- for the first time I wore the jersey I finished knitting over summer and it was so soft and comfortable
- I had my weekly scone and pot of tea at the garden cafe and it was lovely there as always
Today’s #ThreeGoodThings:
- I enjoyed feeling the warm sun and a gentle breeze on my face at lunchtime
- I am watching #GBBO (Thursdays are my fave nights on TV )
- the Kitten (actually an 8 year old black cat, but he’s kinda little) is stretched out on the couch next to me, purring, as is his wont at this time of night
Looks like posting those in the morning instead of the evening is becoming a thing for me:
- I keep forgetting about the back pain every once in a while during the day and getting up from sitting also got a lot better
- managed to find a slot for showering, which got quite tough recently, looking at the sick kids' weird sleeping hours
- managed to do some more bug fixing in #WikiTree browser extension before getting up
#3goodthings #threegoodthings
Three good things
1. Trashed
2. Murder
3. Comedy
Hugz & xXx
#threegoodthings #SmallTownMurder
Small Town Murder: #577 - Behind A Serial Killer's Mask - Lenexa, Kansas
Episode webpage: https://wondery.com/shows/small-town-murder/?utm_source=rss
Three good things for 3/13/1965
1. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
2. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
3. Brown paper packages tied up with strings
1. Educated my boss on some infosec concepts this morning, and he was surprisingly receptive.
2. Talked to the owner of my favorite restaurant about what could have been a touchy issue (had been worrying about it for weeks), but she was fantastic and lovely as ever, and now I feel better.
3. A tasty, homecooked dinner shared with my husband---angel hair noodles with pesto and roasted chicken with a head of fresh broccoli lightly seared in butter.
- It was still sunny and warm today, for March.
- The word “Ok” when spoken calmly works wonders when you’ve just about had it.
- Tools that help get things done
The 3GoodThings community has become my go-to source for staying up to date on the current events that matter to me.
They get what current events are all about:
Home, health, and relationships in our real-world daily lives.
+ Auto abgeholt
+ Jemandem geholfen
+ Hörbuch
1. Had a meaningful conversation with a long-time friend
2. Enjoyed a bowl of chili
3. Saw something unique while walking on a waterfront
Das Kind hat einen Roller geschenkt bekommen (nicht heute), aber ich war heute zum ersten Mal mit dem Kind draußen mit dem Roller. Es war eine Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle, aber immerhin hat das Kind das Konzept Lenken jetzt einigermaßen verstanden.
In der heutigen Therapiesitzung sind mir wieder ein paar Sachen klar geworden.
Zimtschnecke. Sorry, mir fällt nix mehr ein, einfach müde.
1. I remembered how to work in Storyline and now I want more
2. Sunset and birdsong and spring in the air
3. Assembled M.'s office cabinet and sit-stand desk and had them rigorously QA'd (see photo)
#ThreeGoodThings #3GoodThings @3goodthings@fedigroups.social @3goodthings@a.gup.pe
Tiny delights for Wednesday:
1. "Crackling fire and rain" sounds for white noise to help me focus
2. Oregon grown kale, parsley, and cilantro at the neighborhood farm stand
3. Swelling buds on the wild cherry tree outside my studio window
1. The dogs are always so happy to get up in the morning.
2. A morning round of webcomics.
3. A couple hours, just sitting in a quiet office, working on thorny engineering problems with a pen and paper.
- back pain keeps decreasing
- was able to fix some things in the #WikiTree Browser Extension, that got broken by the site resign (probably that was my brain's intention anyway, when it woke me up at some 2:30 AM)
- I wasn't as exhausted as expected in the evening, although the night was a mess. Maybe #coding at work created endorphins?
#3GoodThings #ThreeGoodThings
- I managed to time my walk so I was only lightly rained on
- I remembered, as I occasionally do, about microwave baked potatoes - so easy and tasty!
- having tried out Linux on my old laptop for a month and found it met all my computing needs, I went all in and removed Windows. Thanks to good people putting simple instructions for this on YouTube I did it easily myself