I am yet to dig deeper into Ukrainian background. But these are my observations based on what I can make out from a distance so far. These observations about Ukraine might change (I am expecting opinion about Zelenskyy to remain the same) once I dig little deeper into it in the future.
I see Zelenskyy cult is carefully crafted up by Imperial masters, NATO goons, Genocidal Europeans, to counter Genocidal Nazi society from the East. Morons propping up Zelenskyy are talking about so called "Democracy".
Clueless in West & outside West (I saw a shitlib moron from our 3rd world who said she was asked to resign from her so called "left" party today because her love for Western Imperialism — so called "Democracy") who are bought into that cult.
If you are already bought into Zelenskyy cult, good luck. You can only come out of that cult at your own pace.
Nazis from East need to be kicked out, but what about genocidal thugs of NATO? What about the Imperial puppets (both from West & East) in that society who sit at the top?
Palestine case is entirely different.
Without Hamas, all you will have is open Settler-colonial terrorism. Settler-colonial terrorists destroyed every force with non-stop thuggery & PhD levels of genocidal lying, which is a disease they spread widespread within that rotten society & also infected Zionists outside that society.
So, without Hamas, what you would had was even more ruthless terrorism by Zionist Nazism & Zionist contractor aka Nazi-collaborator Palestinian Authority.
So, I had to recognize the legitimacy of all Palestinian resistance factions (incl Hamas, esp Hamas as its the biggest resistance faction).
If Hamas wins, they would have been able to get rid of atleast external thuggery by a Nazi society (propped by Western Imperial Nazis) who wanted all them dead & has been doing their best to make it a reality for a long time.
Best case scenario: Palestinians will be able to rid themselves of genocidal thugs who want them dead & have to fight internal thugs (that emerge from whoever hold political power post decolonisation), which again will take its sweet time.
So, tho I dont like Hamas (because of their ideology), I understand the need for Hamas in Palestinian society.
I dont see the same with Zelenskyy & his gang of thieves & thugs at top, who in my book are propped up by Western imperial masters, to counter other thieves & genocidal gangsters from the East. To me, it looks like they started shit deliberately in order to install a more pliable thieves at the top that are willing to sell more to West than to the East.
West doesnt want even the scam elections because of "war" (same reasons given by Empire's collaborators in Rojava & now Syria). These are the same guys who did a Judicial coup in Romania recently because the options European masters wanted to win the election did not win in the ruling scam aka "elections".
Even if we take the best case scenario for Ukraine, even if Zelenskyy & his gang are able to take the land back, what would happen to Ukrainian society? What would happen to all those minorities within Ukraine?
Ruthless exploitation by Western Capitalist gangsters instead of Eastern Capitalist gangsters?
Isnt that what the fight for between different factions of gangsters — one from East who is a genocidal thug, while other gangsters are lesser thieves & thugs in comparison?
@palestine @lebanon @iran @israel @syria #israel #palestine #gaza #lebanon #iran #syria #anarchy #anarchism #ukraine #nato #eu
Owners in Alpine regions have to demolish their chalets | In the Alpine cantons, owners had to have their houses demolished by order of the authorities because they had built outside the building zones. However, they had received authorisation from their municipality.
Owners in Alpine regions have to demolish their chalets | In the Alpine cantons, owners had to have…
#Switzerland #CH #Europe #Europa #EU
"The free world must confront evil": Czech President Petr Pavel calls for a coalition of countries seeking justice for Ukraine
In his opinion, peace should be established on terms that suit Kyiv.
"Peace on the terms of the aggressor is called capitulation and will only encourage all current and future aggressors. The free world must stand up to evil," the Czech president concluded.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war
„Und noch etwas legt uns dieser Moment nahe: Alle diejenigen, die auf ganz unterschiedliche Art und Weise für diese Gesellschaft engagiert sind, im Ehrenamt, in NGOs, in der Nachbarschaftshilfe, wo auch immer, müssen jetzt ihr zentrales Interesse in den Mittelpunkt stellen, die Gesellschaftsform zu bewahren, die ihnen ihre Engagements überhaupt erst ermöglicht.“
Due to the sources I worked with the quotes are in english & german. I'd like to elaborate on this research and translate all german quotes to english, but time, money & energy are scarce. Any hints or comments are welcome.
#art #politics #EU #new-europe #politicalart
Tra Tra Trumputin…
Putin dürfte derzeit vor Glück kaum aufrecht gehen können. Nicht nur, dass Trump die USA gerade organisatorisch, militärisch und letztlich auch wirtschaftlich enthauptet, sondern […] …
Zum Weiterlesen den Link benutzen.
#eu #Putin #trump #usa
'I Vermont, en delstat i nordöstra USA, möttes vicepresidenten som åkt dit för att åka skidor med familjen av demonstranter med skyltar med texten ”Vance är en förrädare – stick och åk skidor i Ryssland”, Times Square i New York förvandlades till ett hav av blågula flaggor'
Källa: https://www.dn.se/varlden/protester-mot-trump-sprids-over-usa-tung-republikan-till-attack/
Räcker då hålla koll på USA. Folket ser ut att vakna. Kanske sprack bubblan i fredags.
Bra så nu!
Låt oss därmed lägga fullt fokus på Europa och Ukraina.
Schmeißt den #Orban endlich aus der #EU (leider geht das ja nicht)
Man kann nicht ständig die Hand aufhalten und Gelder aus der EU wollen und dann alles blockieren.
Die EU muss reformiert werden. Eine 2/3 Mehrheit muss auf den Tisch.
Dieser #TrumpPutinArschkriecher
Schmeißt den #Orban endlich aus der #EU (leider geht das ja nicht)
Man kann nicht ständig die Hand aufhalten und Gelder aus der EU wollen und dann alles blockieren.
Die EU muss reformiert werden. Eine 2/3 Mehrheit muss auf den Tisch.
Dieser #TrumpPutinArschkriecher
'Childish policy works better than adult policy'
Jeffrey Sachs in #EU Parliament on US foreign policy.
#europe #JeffreySachs #internationalrelations
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tgJfTU809qY (English subs)
Ein gutes Interview mit Historiker Zimmer heute in der @tagesschau unterstreicht das.