Did you know `ncdu`? I'm using this for years to find out where all my precious disk space is lost. Unlike other solutions it works in a terminal and this way even on remote servers… or gorram mobile phones always short on anything.
Disk full. Place 5 in $HOME after a lot of cleanup of this sort - bunch of old save files I will totally never ever have us of again in my life.
> 69,7 GiB [# ] /Master of Orion
Some games have really no shame. Compression - such an alien concept.
Most games are using compression for most assets, but the assets are rather large. Also, you can use disk compression if you want to. Depeending on your PC and game, there are downsides like mikro stutters and prolonged loading times.
@gom talking _saves_ here, not assets.
Compressing a text file is fast compared to disk IO nowadays.
Asking for compression on filesystem level is kinda overkill (and frankly pointless for most files found on a common desktop PC).
X4 for example is not shy of stashing ~500MB saves. The compression for this can be enabled and it's faster to compress this even on SSD. Also better for the disk lifetime.
Modern disk compression selects which files are compressible or not. It's not overkill ;)
And modern ssds can be faster than a cpu runing decompression, but that also depends on the access pattern.
And yeah, you are right, there is potential for optimizations.