blog! “What's the point of a pub?”
The UK is going through one of its periodic lamentations that "Things Are Changing And No One Asked Me". This time, it is over the loss of the humble British pub.
It seems every year there's another story about how pubs are vanishing. Cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth as the Fabric Of Society™ is rent asunder.
To which I say "Good riddance. Most pubs …
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#rant #shitpost
@Edent I would prefer a café with childcare facilities (I don't use, but would be happier if parents had more options) and a separate quieter space with lots of irregular fabric shapes to dampen and absorb sound.
but also jfc pubs and clubs can go to hell. Drunk people are nasty, rude, loud assholes, wtaf.
@MxVerda @Edent I'm a former DJ, rave organiser and hedonist + a CAMRA member, but rarely go to pubs and clubs these days. I am driving more often so booze and other intoxicants are understandably verboten for me - and folk in town are less well behaved these days making the streets sketchy. The elephant in the room no one in the industry talks about in public is the "good days" when pubs and clubs thrived were when DUI and other kinds of lawless behaviour often went undetected and unpunished >>
@MxVerda @Edent a lot of suburban/rural pubs and "country clubs" should have died out in the early to mid 1990s when the Police got the "SL2" electronic breathalyser rather than the "blow in the bag" type, but they were basically kept going by the rave scene and laundered money from sale of partydrugs - even if the landlord/venue manager wasn't directly profiting from it (and many were!) they indirectly benefited as folk often combined booze and stimulants (so they could still drive home) >>
@MxVerda @Edent this carried on until 2015 in England and 2019 in Scotland when the govt introduced formal drug driving tests and legislation with defined maximum accepted amounts of some drugs, and the Police got the equipment and resources to test for substance use - if you track back these "doom and gloom" reports and expand it to nightclubs and festivals, many start around 2015/6 (also around the same time the "legal highs" all got made controlled substances)