#OTD 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which had started in 2014.
#Russia attacked #Ukraine Mr. Hegseth?
Pete Hegseth: ”Fair to say it's a very complicated situation”
Eat dirt Mr. Hegseth
#UnitedStates #Russia #Trump #AdultChild #Putin #Terrorist #Venäjä #Hegseth #FirstLady #СлаваУкраїні #ГероямСлава
Při hraní této hry se prostě nezbavíte otázek „jaké to je teď asi na Ukrajině? “ a dojmu jisté autentičnosti.
Ať je to tak či onak, GSC se povedlo nemožné a svou hrou nechtěně přinesli mrazivou fiktivní retrospektivu pocitu, který zažívá nejeden voják každým dnem na frontě.
The only negotiation that's needed is to determine how long it will take Putin to leave the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine.
#InvasionOfUkraine #negotiations #Russia #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #VolodymyrZelenskyy #StandWithUkraine #DaveWhamond #ВладимирПутин #ПутинХуйло #ДобейПутина #СоюзПостсоветскихКлептократическихВатников #РоссияТеррористическаяСтрана #ВолодимирЗеленський #деокупація #УкраїнаПереможе #РосійськийКолоніалізм #СлаваУкраїні #ГероямСлава #WinterIsComingForPutin
Poland's Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski gave a compelling speech on Monday followed by a discussion. NATO, Putin's aggression in Ukraine, and Europe were some of the topics covered.
He made a good case for continuing US support for Ukraine.
#RadoslawSikorski #Poland #Polska #NATO #InvasionOfUkraine #VladimirPutin #USSupportForUkraine #UkraineAidNow #StandWithUkraine #РоссияТеррористическаяСтрана
#деокупація #славаукраїні #героямслава
#Russia’n regime is just pure #evil so calling the country as a #terroristState is just understatement. Mankind does not deserve #RusskiyMir and kind of idiotism and destruction they are spreading around. We stand with #Ukraine to infinity and beyond. #ПутинГориВАду
#СлаваУкраїні #ГероямСлава
Tucker Carlson is a far right hack who masquerades as a journalist.
He lies as much as the 2 people he most admires: Putin & Trump. He's so bad that even Fox News dumped him.
His "interview" with Putin is expected to be a shambles.
Historically, Tucker is in putrid company.
#USPolitics #TuckerCarlson #VladimirPutin #DonaldTrump #theFarRight #ВладимирПутин #ТакерКарлсон #дональдтрамп #путинхуйло #рукипрочьотукраины #StandWithUkraine #славаукраїні
Duda is preoccupied trying to undermine the new pro-democracy coalition government in PL.
Not sure if there's any military rationale for his comments or if Duda is simply talking out of his dupa.
Ukraine has gotten quite good at taking out air defense units of the Russian aggressors.
A Russian Tor unit was recently taken out by a Polish-built kamikaze drone.
With any luck, the faux Shaheds will be up to the same standards as the "unstoppable" Kinzhal missiles.
#Muscovy #VladimirPutin #CheapRussianKnockoffs #неисправноеоружие
#владимирпутин #путинхуйло #союзпостсоветскихклептократическихватников #вторгненняоркостанувукраїну #StandWithUkraine #славаукраїні #героямслава
Putin is a war criminal.
Republicans in the US House of Representatives are blocking aid to Ukraine at the behest of Donald Trump who is in thrall to Putin. They are all complicit in war crimes.
The Subway fast food chain has been designated as international sponsors of war by Ukraine.
If you think wars of aggression, genocide, and war crimes are bad ideas, don't patronize the Putin-friendly Subway.
Subway pays taxes to Russia which help buy North Korean missiles and Iranian drones which kill Ukrainian civilians.
In biology, adaptability is key to a species's survival. Ukrainian ingenuity and resourcefulness have helped it survive way beyond expectations.
Because it is such a talented country, aid to Ukraine should be viewed as an investment rather than as charity.
Putin doesn't care how many Russians he has to kill to restore the Soviet Union in all but name.
He would like to have people think he's a cold, calculating strategist. But in effect he's an obsessive psychopath who lives in a bubble of sycophants and toadies.
It's now 2024 at the first time zone on Earth – Kiribati.
Happy New Year!
Щасливого Нового Року!
Szczęśliwego nowego roku!
Maligayang Bagong Taon!
May the new year bring victory and peace to our friends in Ukraine!
And let democracy reign everywhere there are elections.
The docu '20 Days In Mariupol' has been added to YouTube. It was made by AP journalists who personally witnessed the carnage.
The doc covers only 20 days of Putin's genocidal invasion which is now in day 639.
Wars don't go away just because people in third countries get bored with them and wish to change the channel.
#ukraine #russia #warcrimes #mariupol #standwithukraine
#славаукраїні #героямслава #долойпутина #будьсміливимякукраїна #sendputintothehague
#Bulgaria's president #Radev: "I want it to be clear that #Ukraine insists on fighting this war, but also that the price is paid by all of #Europe".
My country is broken. It's infiltrated by Russian agents literally at the very highest of positions. My earliest memories are of the 90s and that was the time of the most blatant in-your-face corruption, extortion of people and small businesses and literal mafia boss killings in the streets. My baseline expectations of my country are unimaginably low, especially for Western Europeans. Yet, today I'm deeply ashamed by what the rest of the world is going to see coming out of here.
This is not who we are and those people don't represent us! They wave our flag, they decorate themselves with our national and cultural symbols and they play our folklore music, but they don't represent us.
#славаукраїні #героямслава