okay I'm being a lazy academic here but first step of doing research is always asking other people for a starting point.
hey #Academia #AcademicMastodon #LazyWeb etc.
do you have a favourite journal paper using psychological research to question the validity of psychology in minority contexts? or postulating or showing that things don't really generalise the way a bunch of old white men in the 19th century are on their high horse about?
it's an intro psych class and frankly I know the research and reviews are out there, I'd dearly like to tear the 19th and 20th century founders and pillars of #Psychology a new asshole and put them firmly in the rubbish bin as a response to the white guy teaching the class… being a white guy.
I incredibly like being able to qualitatively and quantitatively dismiss early theorists in a number of fields (wherein the early theorists are stereotypically white males with no regard for the rest of the world) for the idiotic, misogynistic, racist, self-centered dickwad pieces of narcissistic trash they were.
and no I do not have any respect for the basic foundations of the European and American academic establishments of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries and neither should anyone else, frankly.
unfortunately books don't count for this, this class is solely allowing me to use peer-reviewed papers, and solely allowing papers which examine either original research or are a survey of previous research.
and failing having that, can someone please help me figure out better search terms? because while I know what I'm looking for and I know I've seen papers to that end while making other searches before, previous me did not save links.
ta much! a groysn danke. many thanks.