Boost if you speak Japanese.
Boost if you speak Dutch.
Boost if you speak French.
Boost if you speak English.
Boost if you speak German.
Boost if you speak Spanish.
Boost if you speak Italian.
Boost if you speak any other language.
Boost if you think I'm insane.
Hahahahahaha my notifications are killing me right now!! #ROFL
@NinahMarie But in a good way :>
@fce luckily! Hehe
@NinahMarie I think you want to get boosted ;)
@absolute what was I thinking .... :')
@NinahMarie I won't blame you :)
@absolute that would be nice ... ;)
@NinahMarie Which language is winning the boost it contest?
@craigoverend I Don't KNOW! And I don't have the time to click them to see the results cause every time there are new notifications and every time I loose track.
I just looked at your toot count:
Japanese 4
Dutch 4 and 2 stars
French 41 and 4 stars
English 68 and 10 stars
German 15 and 5 stars
Spanish 7 and 4 stars
Italian 4
Other 28 and 6 stars
You're insane 8 and 5 stars
@craigoverend hahahaha thx!!!
@craigoverend can you give me a new status? :DDD
Current language boost stats:
Japanese 7 and 1 stars
Dutch 4 and 3
French 44 and 5
English 108 and 23
German 21 and 6
Spanish 12 and 6
Italian 8 and 1
Other 52 and 14
Insane 8 and 6
@NinahMarie any other language than what
@mux2000 than al the toots before. ;)
@NinahMarie ah, missed those. done.
@mux2000 hahaha damn .. you've found them :DDD
@NinahMarie Candian, eh?
@MSD Haha, I'm sorry I didn't add Canadian (no In fact I'm very glad because I can't handle the notifications :ppp)
@NinahMarie Does "Bad English" count?
@ElectricMink Off course ;)
@NinahMarie I'm an expert!
@ElectricMink waauw!!! How have you reached that level?!
Years of practice butchering the language. I was once an aspiring poet. -_^
@ElectricMink unbelievable! ;D
@NinahMarie actuall just three: Italian, Slovak and English. But I understand a bit of written czech, french, polish and german.
@nicoladagostino wow that's impressive :)
@NinahMarie thanks :) although it's not that uncommon: there's a lot of people out there with parents that belong to different major linguistic groups (my combinstion is romanic+slavic abd I studied languages from a third group, i.e. germanic).
@nicoladagostino no I know it's not uncommon but I have the feeling you're "rich" in the meaning of knowledge when you understand different languages but that's my opinion :)
@NinahMarie I definitely feel rich :) and wish to understand more! E.g. There are many BD in French I'd like to be able to read!
@nicoladagostino and have you tried?
@NinahMarie oui, aber only un poco ;-)
@NinahMarie you need to add Portuguese!!
@helena haha nooo! Then I'll be boosted all over again :D
@helena @NinahMarie If you boost Portuguese you will get friends with @cindy!
@ben @NinahMarie @helena Nothing like a good underdog win!
@NinahMarie Nur ein bisschen.
@spatz_ nothing ... nothing ... just ignore ;)
@NinahMarie i was just kiddin =D english and portuguese (native) speaker here
@spatz_ haha. I'm sorry I didn't add the Portuguese. No I'm not sorry actually because that would have been more boosts ... noooo! ;)
@NinahMarie i can only imagine your notifications, hahahhaha
@spatz_ they are enbelievable!!!! I doesn't stop :DD
I speak the
@NinahMarie I speak English here !
@Patate and at home?