is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A friendly server from Germany – which tends to attract techy people, but welcomes everybody. This is one of the oldest Mastodon instances.

Administered by:

Server stats:

active users

… and some more

@kerstinsailer (Kerstin Sailer)
@pdbrooker (Phillip Brooker)
@antoinegaboriau (Antoine Gaboriau)
@haphazardsoc (Neal Caren)
@sara_geven (Sara Geven)
@mobarak (mobarak hossain)
@markgatto (–)
@eyalbhaim (Eyal Bar-Haim)

For the complete list:

New accounts are only added to the list on explicit demand. If you want to be removed, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Et, parce-qu’on m’a demandé si c’est une liste anglophone: tou-te-s les sur Mastodon sont les bienvenu-e-s. 👋

@asociologist (Daniel Hirschman)
@AudreyLinder (Audrey Linder)
@tarasovich (Mercedes Tarasovich) (Colleen Wynn)
@elyas (Elyas Bakhtiari)

Pour la liste entière :

Des nouveau comptements sont rajouté que sur demande explicite.
Si vous voullez être effacé de la liste, vueiilez simplement me contacter.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Und noch ein paar Soziolog*innen auf Mastodon:

@renaelsm (Renae Loh)
@allanmccoy (Allan Mccoy)
@bernardforgues (Bernard Forgues)
@jannabesamusca (Janna Besamusca) (Marilie C. Odding)

For the complete list:

New accounts are only added on explicit demand. If you want to be removed, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Y aún más sociólog@s en Mastodon…

@tatdef (Tatiana de Feraudy)
@langspielplatte@toot.commuity (Daniel Felscher)
@lucymichael (Lucy Michael)
@Katestew (Kate Stewart)
@laurafo (Laura Fokkena) (Sara Goldrick-Rab)
@peter_mcmahan (Peter McMahan)

For the complete list:

New accounts are only added on explicit demand. If you want to be removed, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some more Sociologists on Mastodon …

@Marcello (Marcello Aspria)
@cameron (Cameron Conaway)
@NicholasVargas (Nicholas Vargas)
@SoineHannah (Hannah Soiné)
@EliFriedman (Eli Friedman)
@SoineHannah (Hannah Soiné)
@marcoalbertini (Marco Albertini)
@ophastings (Pat Hastings)
@saragoldrickrab (Sara Goldrick-Rab)

For the complete list:

New accounts are only added on explicit demand. If you want to be removed, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

E alcuni sociologi su Mastodon …

@MaureenEger (Maureen A. Eger) (Andreas Haupt)
@consumapalooza (Jennifer Smith Maguire)
@davidribes (David Ribes)
@zhifan_luo (Zhifan Luo)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some more Sociologists on Mastodon:

@leonardnevarez (Leonard Nevarez)
@prairiedogking (Rick Moore)
@chchliu (Chuncheng Liu)
@mannymadriaga (Manny)
@DrJoyZhang (Joy Y Zhang)
@Deglassco (D. Elisabeth Glassco )
@dorubio (Fernando Dominguez Rubio)

For the complete list: For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

E alguns outros sociólogos …

@xinhan (Xin Han)
@Cost_ofLiving (Cost of Living Blog)
@dieuwkezwier (Dieuwke Zwier)
@ahvinson (Alexandra Vinson)
@NPV (Nadav Perez-Vaisvidovsky)
@jeromedenis (Jérôme Denis)
@wunderlich (Philipp Wunderlich)
@jscarbonell (Juan Sebastian Carbonell)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some on Mastodon 👋

@janlo (Jan Lorenz)
@PaulSpicker (Paul Spicker)
@Jessicadscott09 (Jessica Scott)
@sschaffer (Scott Schaffer)
@KenzieMintusPhD (Kenzie Mintus)
@themmarae (Emma Rae)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

І кілька нових на Mastodon …

@mhermans (Maarten Hermans)
@TaylorPrice (Taylor Price)
@mancelovici (Marcos Ancelovici)
@rkaram (Rebecca Karam)
@gscheiring (Gabor Scheiring)
@Touboel (Jonas Toubøl)
@ronlevi (Ron Levi)
@socistmjs (Matthew Schneider)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some on Mastodon …

@afwilson (–)
@camiloluvino (Camilo)
@aminghaziani (Amin Ghaziani) (Global Networks (journal))
@edwin_schmitt (Edwin Schmitt)
@lecoursonnais (Maël Lecoursonnais)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

I kilku innych na Mastodon …

@cczymara (Christian Czymara)
@WeedenKim (Kim Weeden)
@hyunsikchun (Hyunsik Chun) (Valerie Mueller)
@jeremykuhnle (Jeremy Kuhnle)
@buraksonmez (Burak Sonmez)
@paolo ( Paolo Velásquez)
@ghaliahfakhoury (Ghaliah Fakhoury)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some on Mastodon. Actually, quite a lot. 🙂

@Maximefelder (Maxime Felder)
@LeoAzzollini (Leo Azzollini)
@andrew_jorgenson (Andrew Jorgenson)
@Francis_Prior (Francis Prior)
@cbrandtner (Christof Brandtner)
@janfuhse (Jan Fuhse)
@konradturek (Konrad Turek)
@AnnaStrhan (Anna Strhan) (Carolina García)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

… more on Mastodon:

@magmikulak (Magdalena Mikulak)
@SurreySociology (Surrey Sociology)
@DrC (–)
@NicoleKapelle (Nicole Kapelle)
@ellulie (Ella Wind)
@heejungchung (Heejung Chung)
@magmikulak (Magdalena Mikulak)
@mbojan (Michał Bojanowski)
@aalvarezbenjumea (Amalia Alvarez Benjumea)
@ahayes (Adam Hayes)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

マストドンに関する新しい社会学者 ...
And some on Mastodon …

@FabianPfeffer (Fabian Pfeffer)
@wyli (Wendy Li)
@PopResearchCtrs (CPIPR)
@GuZoch (Gundula Zoch) (Mona Motakef)
@mkolczynska (Marta Kołczyńska)
@CPCpopulation (Centre for Population Change)
@flavioazevedo (Flavio Azevedo)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Ve Mastodon üzerine biraz daha sosyolog …
And some on Mastodon …

@jdierkes (Julian Dierkes) (Ruth Manstetten)
@jonathancoley (Jonathan Coley)
@bekado (Benjamin Doubali)
@bdmabrams (Benjamin Abrams)
@UCLSociology (UCL Sociology Network) (Jaime Kucinskas)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Some on Mastodon, and some news :toot: : You can now filter the list by clicking on a keyword.

@nhaarbusch (Niklas Haarbusch)
@afouxenidis (Alex Afouxenidis) (Naomi Barnes)
@ishmamunoz (Ismael G. Muñoz)
@dariatisch (Daria Tisch)
@wrigleyfield (Elizabeth Wrigley-Field)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

و برخی از جامعه شناسان جدید در فدیورس …
And some in the Fediverse …

@JustCodeCulture (Jeffrey Yost)
@pparrasaiani (Paolo Parra Saiani)
@GSEJ (Centre for Global Science and Epistemic Justice)
@alinzar (Evangeline Warren) (Andrea Bellini)
@scoavoux (Samuel Coavoux)
@derekcrim (Derek Silva)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Ukat yaqhip machaq ukanakax Fediverse ukankiwa …
And some in the Fediverse …

@dirkvl (Dirk vom Lehn)
@sibyllegollac (Sibylle Gollac)
@weverthon (Weverthon Machado)
@igorsadaba (Igor Sádaba)
@elenavanstee (Elena van Stee)
@jacyanthis (Jacy Reese Anthis)
@LarsJohannessen (Lars E.F. Johannessen)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Và một số nhà xã hội học mới trong Fediverse … / And some in the Fediverse … (Björn Krey)
@Janinedahinden (–)
@alessiodangelo (Alessio D'Angelo)
@mzv (Matthias Z Varul)
@TaylorBrooks (Taylor J. Brooks)
@drewburns (Drew Burns)
@aaronreeves (Aaron Reeves)
@sinimalesevic (Sinisa Malesevic)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Da kuma wasu sabbin masana ilimin zamantakewa a cikin Fediverse … / And some in the Fediverse …

@ShonaS (Shona S)
@asgelabert (Albert Sánchez-Gelabert)
@as_sAlone (Anna Sofia Salonen)
@kalf (Fabian Kalleitner)
@moorehead (Robert Moorehead)
@rpbellamy1 (Richard Bellamy)
@defauconberg (Âri de Fauconberg)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

En enkele nieuwe sociologen in de Fediverse … / And some in the Fediverse …

@mireiatriguero (Mireia Triguero Roura)
@silviosuckow (Silvio Suckow)
@GESISTraining (GESIS Training)
@Alba (Alba Lanau)
@lecoursonnais (Maël Lecoursonnais)
@pierre_bat (Pierre Bataille)
@mtorre (Marga Torre)
@sociologian (Michael Pollard)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

וכמה סוציולוגים חדשים הפדיברס …
And some in the Fediverse …

@mpsmoreau (Marie-Pierre Moreau)
@SebSvenberg (Sebastian Svenberg)
@madsejsing (Mads Ejsing)
@TVuckovicJuros (Tanja Vuckovic Juros)
@grguedes (Gilvan Guedes)
@mbuermann (Marvin Bürmann)
@ypsilonkah (Yannick Kalff)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Dan beberapa sosiolog baru di fediverse … / And some in the Fediverse …

@louisesparza (Louis Edgar Esparza)
@Uhorski (András Kelen)
@NODE801 (B. Ricardo Brown)
@lenka_drazanova (Lenka Drazanova)
@profimogentyler (Imogen Tyler)
@williamcallison (William Callison)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

وبعض علماء الاجتماع الجدد في فدیورس …
And some in the Fediverse …

@michaelacbenson (Michaela Benson)
@Miguel_A_Martinez (Miguel A. Martínez)
@venus (Venus Athena Vangsgaard Fabricius)
@gorodzeisky (Anastasia Gorodzeisky)
@ReneCNielsen (René Clausen Nielsen)
@ConstitutiveLaw (Mary Lia Reiter)
@DrRosaleenOBrien (Rosaleen O’Brien)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Och några nya sociologer i Fediversum … / And some in the Fediverse …

@ramyologist (Ramy Youssef)
@APWeiland (Andreas P. Weiland)
@FHasselhorn (Fabian Hasselhorn)
@thofel (Thomas Feliciani)
@tomemery (Tom Emery)
@vaiseys (Stephen Vaisey)
@emgerson (Elihu M Gerson)
@MartinReinhart (Martin Reinhart)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

და რამდენიმე ახალი სოციოლოგი Fediverse-ში … / And some in the Fediverse …

@icastelaohuerta (Isaura Castelao-Huerta)
@markigra (Mark Igra)
@StefanAykut (Stefan C. Aykut)
@Vorinstanz (Reto Eugster) (Kate Henne)
@arianeophir (Ariane Ophir)
@Cosmos (Comos)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Ndipo akatswiri ena atsopano a chikhalidwe cha anthu ku Fediverse … / And some in the Fediverse …

@petejones (Pete Jones)
@natrinh (–)
@Akbaritabar (Aliakbar Akbaritabar)
@umichStoneCID (Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics)
@BWI (Bourdieu Work and Inequality Research Network)
@aryanasoliz (Aryana Soliz)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

اور فیڈیوورس میں کچھ نئے ماہرین عمرانیات …
And some in the Fediverse …

@JanBruelle (Jan Brülle)
@crest_socio (CREST Sociology)
@benjaminbrundugonzalez (–) (Patrick Präg)
@ndporter (Nathaniel Porter)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Μερικοί νέοι κοινωνιολόγοι στο Fediverse … / And some in the Fediverse …

@fields_uhh (FIELDS Research Project UHH)
@LidiaPanico (Lidia Panico)
@eurosocieties (European Societies) (Christian Meier zu Verl)
@jamescookuma (James Cook)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Wow, there are now more than 400 researchers and institutions on our list of in the Fediverse. 🥳

Please welcome …
@dlucksted (Danielle Lucksted)
@amandaywise (Amanda Wise)
@MatthewBorus (Matthew Borus)
@alesia_ethnog (Alesia Montgomery)
@Gerber (Alison Gerber)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

A někteří další sociologové ve Fediverse … / And some in the Fediverse …

@DisastersRadix (RADIX: Radical Interpretations of Disasters) (Bram Vanhoutte)
@damiano_uccheddu (Damiano Uccheddu)
@talkinto (Marc Moelders)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

A ʻo kekahi mau sociologists i ka Fediverse … / And some in the Fediverse …

@stephaniemedleyrath (Stephanie Medley-Rath)
@GaiaGhirardi (Gaia Ghirardi)
@A_Hudde (Ansgar Hudde)
@ralmeling (Rene Almeling)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

És néhány új szociológus a Fediverzumban … / And some in the Fediverse …

@CarinaCornesse (Carina Cornesse)
@Fern (Simon Fern)
@Shelia (Shelia Cotten)
@TomasCano (Tomás Cano)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

और फ़ेडेवर्स में कुछ नए समाजशास्त्री … / And some in the Fediverse …

@vbashi (Vilna Bashi)
@thrnsgdk (Tahir Enes Gedik)
@brettcburkhardt (Brett Burkhardt)
@braydenk (Brayden King)
@selcan (Selcan Mutgan)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Na wanasosholojia wengine wapya katika Fediverse … / And some in the Fediverse …

@Erin_eife (Erin Eife)
@Julia_Soc (Julia Dessauer)
@gav (Giuseppe A. Veltri)
@MelB (Mel Bartley)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some / new sociological journals on our list of sociological accounts in the Fediverse:

@actasociologica (Acta Sociologica)
@datendetektivin (–)
@Ztschr_Prokla (PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some in the Fediverse. Welcome …

@OstenWahlbeck (Östen Wahlbeck)
@jhodos (Jerome Hodos)
@danaujoks (Daniel Naujoks)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some in the Fediverse. Welcome …

@sssp_dd (SSSP Drugs and Drinking)
@asadrugsoc (ASA Drugs & Society Section)
@metacramer (Meta Cramer)

For the complete list:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

If you are looking for in the fediverse, here is a long thread for you (🔼) – or you use our tool for bulk following multiple accounts:

There are also two on the list:

@SociologyMag (SociologyMag)
@jonathanwyrtzen (Jonathan Wyrtzen)
@lloydsoc (Jonathan LLoyd)
@zmunson (Ziad Munson)

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse
David Adler

And some in the fediverse …

@ZTS_ZeitTheoSoz (ZTS – Zeitschrift für theoretische Soziologie)
@sanjay_digital (sanjay sharma)
@conleyjr (Jim Conley)
@michamahler (Michaela Mahler)

For the complete list with keywords etc. visit:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some in the fediverse. Welcome …

@cyberlyra (Janet Vertesi)
@fursthenrik (Henrik Fürst)
@sbg_arch (Sarah Gelbard)

For the complete list with keywords etc. visit:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some in the Fediverse. Welcome …

@alissonmasoares (Alisson Soares)
@sluecking (Stefan Lücking)
@mczajko (Mike Zajko)

For the complete list with keywords etc. visit:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some in the Fediverse. Welcome …

@Zeitschrift_fuer_Soziologie (Zeitschrift für Soziologie)
@fewohlgemuth (Felix Wohlgemuth)
@milo (Milo Kei)

For the complete list with keywords etc. visit:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

And some in the Fediverse. Welcome …

@annajobin (Anna Jobin)
@TristanBridges (Tristan Bridges)
@merteker (Mert Eker)
@RenseC (Rense Corten)

For the complete list with keywords etc. visit:

If you want to be on the list or be removed from it, just let me know.


trutzig89182.github.ioSociologists on MastodonA list of sociologists in the Fediverse

Thanks for hosting the list, David and for including me. Look forward to connecting with more tooters.

@cyberlyra @fursthenrik @sociology

Please add me too! Very useful list, thanks for the great work